The meaning of THROWING-KNIFE is a knifelike weapon often with several blades set at different angles that is used by some central African people for casting at an enemy or animal.
The only weapon I had on me was a pen-knife. La única arma que llevaba encima yo era un cortaplumas. Literature Unless, of course, you use that same pen knife to mug someone. A no ser que, claro, uses esa misma navaja para atracar a alguien. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 He had...
I posted the above a day or two after I saw someone else adapt the old saw that goes something like “History has a word for people who helped Nazis even though they didn’t call themselves Nazis, and that word is ‘Nazis’.” They swapped out “Nazi” with “Republican MAGA supporters...
The only weapon I had on me was a pen-knife. A única arma que tinha comigo era um canivete. Literature I opened it with a pen knife, 3,000 feet to spare. Consegui abrir com um canivete a 3 mil pés. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 He sharpened a quill with his small pen knife to...