Physicallyyourbodywasinbits:yourknees,andthesolesofyourfeet,wouldbeswollenandstiff,andyourbodywouldbecryingoutfordecentrest.Butwerarelygotmorethanthreehoursin-betweenmarches – anditwasneitherlongenoughtorest,norshortenoughtostayfireduponthatexercise-high.Instead,youwouldjustgetcoldandstiff,andevenmoresleep-d...
The next morning it was pinned and a plate put in, and I was given painkillers.My arm was in a sling for eight weeks, but I was able to go back to work a few days after my fall.But as time went on, my elbow became more swollen and distorted. Two years later, it looked as ...
The stiff and swollen muscles Sherrie experienced are well-recognised symptoms and these aches and pains can get worse on being given thyroxine, but then they will subside. 'As Sherrie is being given proper treatment with thyr oxine -- which is a hormone replacement -- she will have the...
The next morning it was pinned and a plate put in, and I was given painkillers.My arm was in a sling for eight weeks, but I was able to go back to work a few days after my fall.But as time went on, my elbow became more swollen and distorted. Two years later, it looked as ...