This new bar is the bee's knees. Look how busy it is already. Can I have another slice? The cake is the bee's knees. You're the bee's knees! Thanks for doing the washing up.Previous and Next SayingsMore Proverbs, Sayings, and Idioms...
black and blue 00:09 Bite the bullet 00:06 Bite off more than you can chew 00:10 birthday suit 00:07 Birds of a feather flock together 00:08 Birds and the bees 00:08 bird brain 00:08 Bigger fish to fry 00:11 Big picture 00:09 Big fish 00:10 Big cheese 00:07...
Hot Honey Bees Knees Cocktail Bee’s Knees CocktailThe Bee’s Knees is a Prohibition cocktail combining gin, lemon juice and honey syrup. The name is a homage of the time, the phrase “bee’s knees” was slang used to call something neat or fun!The...
In order to run a successful business you need to be able to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. 为了经营一家成功的企业,你需要软硬兼施。 In conclusion, bee idioms provide us with a fascinating glimpse into how bees and their behavior have influenced and inspired human language an...
This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of bee's knees, the is. The slang word / phrase / acronym bee's knees, the means... . Online Slang Dictionary. A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations.
Did you know that September is the National Honey Month in the United States AND the Bee Aware Month in New Zealand? Obviously, as a team of busy bees, we believe these national occasions should actually be celebrated worldwide! 🥳 When creating Honeygain, we didn’t pick our name and ...
Bees benefit humans in many ways. About one third of our diet is due to the pollination of fruits and vegetables provided by bees as they forage for nectar and pollen. They produce honey They make us laugh—it’s not exactly the bees that make us laugh, but the corny jokes we make ...
Influences for Mr Farey's type designs tend to be American, and Beesknees is no exception. He credits Pushpin Studio, Peter Max, Bob Zoell, and the Marx Brothers for much of the inspiration in this design. Farey has long admired both the cinematic humor and typographic titles of the Marx...
The Bees Knees: The McKenzies.(The McKenzies and Where Have You Gone?)(Sound recording review)(Brief article)Druckenmiller, Tom
In conclusion, bee idioms provide us with a fascinating glimpse into how bees and their behavior have influenced and inspired human language and culture. 总之,蜜蜂有关的习语为我们提供了一个迷人的机会,让我们了解蜜蜂和它们的行为如何影响和启发了人类的语言和文化。