Tendonitis— pain between your kneecap and shin (front part of your leg) usually caused by repetitive jumping or running Torn ligament, meniscus or tendon, or cartilage damage — when the injury occurs you may hear a popping sound; symptoms include: An inability to straighten your leg Insta...
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Making healthy lifestyle choices can reduce the risk of chronic knee pain and improve symptoms in people with existing knee pain. Research shows that obesity and chronic knee pain go hand in hand, with excess weight contributing to joint load and increasing the risk for knee OA.18Losing excess...
If your symptoms have not gone away after trying three to seven days of PRICE therapy and over-the-counter anti-inflammatorypain medications, set up an appointment with your doctor, or a sports medicine or orthopedic (bone and muscle) specialist to further evaluate the pain. Anatomy of the K...
Inflammation is the body's natural response to a soft tissue injury and is anormal part of the healing process- helping to reduce tissue infection in the early stages of injury. Swelling, pain, heat sensation, redness, and loss of function are the main symptoms experienced and it is your ...
High levels of uric acid (produced as part of the digestive process) cause sharp, needle like crystals to form in your joints leading to inflammation and water on the knee.Gout is usually treated with medication and appropriate diet. Find out more about the causes, symptoms and treatment ...
Tendon injuries range from tendonitis to torn tendons. Symptoms of tendonitis include pain and swelling, while ruptured tendons can cause more intense pain, swelling, and loss of movement. Osgood-Shlatter disease is a condition common in young boys who play running and jumping sports. Symptoms inc...
Causes and Triggers of Hamstring Pain Behind Knee Pain behind the knee may be the result of a hamstring injury. Below are possible types of injuries and their causes. Tendonitis: The hamstring tendons connect behind the knee. When the tendons become inflamed due to overuse, they can lead to...
Patellar tendonitis arises when the tendon and the tissues that surround it, become inflamed and irritated. Cartilage Injuries – Meniscal TearsCartilage tears are seen in both young and old alike, and are an extremely common cause of knee pain. The two most common causes of a meniscus tear ...
Some symptoms of knee tendonitis are similar to those of more severe conditions likeosteoarthritis, tendon tears, andfractures. You should see a doctor if your symptoms don’t go away after a few days. Main causes Tendonitis is often a repetitive strain injury, which means you get it by repe...