Let your knee replacement lawyer know if you’ve been doing physical therapy or at-home exercises to manage your pain. Knee pain can also have an emotional impact on your life, so be prepared to discuss what you’ve been doing to combat the emotional effects you’ve been dealing with post...
670Exactech lawsuitsare involved, blaming a packaging problem that caused hip, knee, shoulder and ankle implants to degrade and fail long before their time. Some patients required replacement surgery within a few years of receiving the implant....
More About: Bard PowerPort Lawsuit Port Catheter Infection Lawsuits Over Bard PowerPort Devices Claim Faulty Design Promotes Colonization of Bacteria(9/9/24) Lawsuits Claim Bard Power Port Problems Were Withheld from Public, Doctors for Years(6/15/23) Proposals for Hair Relaxer Bellwether Selecti...