“leg” in anatomical terms, is the part of the lower limb between the knee and the ankle joint. The bony structure is composed of the tibia and fibula bones, and the muscles of the leg are grouped into the anterior, lateral, and posterior compartments by extensions of fascia.Leg: ...
Anterior view. (Articulatio Genu)The knee-joint was formerly described as a ginglymus or hinge-joint, but is really of a much more complicated character. It must be regarded as consisting of three articulations in one: two condyloid joints, one between each condyle of the femur and the...
Joint capsule Fibrous capsule with the inner synovial membrane; popliteus muscle penetrates the lateral side of the capsule Bursae Suprapatellar, prepatellar, infrapatellar Here’s a labelled knee diagram to see how everything fits together: Anatomy of the knee (anterior and posterior views) ...
Muscle Vastus Lateralis Muscle Vastus Medialis Muscle Change Current View Angle Muscles of the Knee Muscles of the Knee (Cross-section View) Deep Muscles of the Knee (Posterior View) Superficial Muscles of the Knee (Posterior View) Toggle Anatomy System Knee Joint (Deep Anterior View)× +− ...
KneeJoint–SuperiorView Bursainfrapatellaris Lig.patellaeprofunda Lig. lateraltransversum meniscus medial meniscus Lig.cruciatum anteriusACL (anteriorcruciate ligament) Lig.cruciatumposteriusPCL (posteriorcruciateligament) Abteilung:MHS409.08.202115 ...
KneeJoint–SagittalSection29Abteilung:MHS409.08.2024 Knee(lateralview)30Abteilung:MHS409.08.2024 Knee(medialview)31Abteilung:MHS409.08.2024 RightKnee(anteriorview)32Abteilung:MHS409.08.2024 Knee(sagittalsection–lat.tomidline)33Abteilung:MHS409.08.2024 34Abteilung:MHS409.08.2024 35Abteilung:MHS409.08.2024 ...
Second, in contrast to graft choice, improper graft placement during ACL reconstruction has been established as a significant risk factor for motion loss. Graft placement in a location anterior to the native ACL insertion point on the tibial side can lead to significant loss of ROM as a result...
Knee joint is commonly injured in the young athlete. The increased intensity of training and competition among young athletes is associated with increased risk for both acute and chronic injuries. Acute osseous injuries are usually promptly recognized with clinical examination and the diagnosis is establ...
The articular cartilage allows the joint surfaces to slide against one another without damage to either surface. Ligaments are tough bands of tissue that connect the ends of bones together. The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is located in the center of the knee joint where it runs from the ...
99A.4). The temporomandibular joints can be palpated just anterior to the tragus of the ear, where tenderness may be demonstrated and asymmetric movement detected, particularly on asking the patient to open the mouth widely (see Fig. 99A.4). An oral aperture below 40 mm is considered to...