so, I quickly called my friend Scott, another basketball friend who had suffered numerous leg injuries over the years. Sure he had a pair… he said.But they were for people 5’10” and under.
single About Kneejerker Born in one state, adopted and moved to another. Born with SpinaBifida and my umbilical chord wrapped around my leg. Born with a hole in my heart that fixed itself. So far, pretty f'd up life. But not too much. Kneejerker - Followers AndreaHoff... 1 Kneeje...
While the pad isn’t the most pre-shaped, the sleeve onto which it’s built hugs your leg closely, pulling the pad in and keeping it securely in place. With a snug fit and minimal rubbing, we’ve been happy keeping these on during all-day epics. To help keep the air flowing, the...
But most melt-downs end with hugs, sometimes all three at the same time, as they can’t wait to make up. Patricia Kuhl: The linguistic genius of babies My daughters’ desire to connect is not just cute, it’s a matter of survival. So important is our need to connect to other human...