knee injuries from falling– it is often the case that workers carry large loads and suffer a range of injuries from slipping and falling, these include knee injuries from falling on concrete, patellar tendon injury from fall, fluid around the knee after fall, damage to knee cap after fall,...
Any time this happens, there is a risk of damage to the other structures in the knee, particularly the cartilage/meniscus. It is important to avoid repeated giving way of the knee as if the meniscus tears, there is less protection for the knee bones and increases the risk of developing ...
Roofing Worker, St. Louis:Received compensation for fractures to his right foot, left ankle, and left knee after falling from scaffolding. Significant Individual Settlements: Truck Driver, Missouri:Obtaineda settlement for a right knee meniscus injury and cartilage damage after falling from an 18-whe...
If the knee is stressed from a specific direction, then the ligament trying to hold it in place against that force can stretch or tear. These injuries are calledsprains. Sprainsare graded as a first, second, or third degree based upon how much damage has occurred. Grade-one sprains stretch...
is known to shed small pieces into the joint space, causing episodic locking of the joint. Ideally, the damaged cartilage should be surgically removed from the knee cap. Arthroscopic removal of this cartilage is highly advantageous and prevents damage to other structures of the knee during surgery...
t risk a fall.A painful or unstable knee can make a fall more likely, which can cause more knee damage. Curb your risk of falling by making sure your home is well lit, using handrails on staircases, and using a sturdy ladder or foot stool if you need to reach something from a ...
Whether chronic or due to injury, knee pain can present in many ways, from stiffness to intense pain during certain activities. Learn More Torn meniscus Torn meniscus Forceful or sudden twisting of the knee can damage the meniscus, which is between the thigh bone (femur) and shin bone (tibia...
The most useful gardening knee pads are protective gear designed to prevent you from injuring your knees. If you already have knee problems, then these gears can prevent the damage from getting worse. They help cushion the blow on your knees from when you fall and land on them, accidentally...
“So, let’s go over a few things about what happened. First, I want to know why you didn’t have the case we bought you on your phone. It would’ve at least protected it from some of the damage if not all of it” Connor said, turning her body towards her wife. Quinn refused...
An injury to the knee can damage this weight-bearing cartilage lining of the joint; and in more severe cases the underlying bone. That could be a sporting injury such as torn ligaments or a motor accident. Obesity is one of the chief causes; simply too much weight pressing on the cartilag...