Our proposed approach has been intensively validated on the Intel Paragon and IBM/SP2 using NX and MPI libraries. The experimental results show a linear acceleration, which enables to solve huge instances of the hardest known 0/1 bi-knapsack problems in a very reasonable time.Benamar Sidi Boule...
in distributed memory machines(MMD). Our approach develops the tiling technique in order to control the grain parallelism and find the optimal granularity. Our proposed approach has been intensively validated on the Intel Paragon and IBM/SP2 using NX and MPI libraries. The ...
All our experiments are conducted using 2 Conclusion In this paper we have proposed a new algorithm for solving the temporal knapsack problem. It is based on an exponentially large dynamic program, which is solved effectively using SSDP. With the help of several refinements that we describe, our...
Previous study of this problem attempted to find its optimal solution through the branch-and-bound procedure using special-orderedsets. In this paper, we propose another solution approach based on the dynamic programming to locate its optimal solution through recursive evaluation of Bellman''s ...
Approach: The way this is optimally solved is using dynamic programming – solving for smaller sets of knapsack problems and then expanding them for the bigger problem. Let’s build an Item x Weight array called V (Value array): 1
We present an approximate dynamic programming (ADP) approach for solving convex QKPs where variables may take any integer value and all coefficients are real numbers. We approximate the function value using (a) continuous quadratic programming relaxation (CQPR), and (b) the integral parts of the...
We advance the state of the art in Mixed-Integer Linear Programming formulations for Guillotine 2D Cutting Problems by (i) adapting a previously-known redu
ProblemusingGAs.Themainfocusofthepaperisontheimplementationofthe algorithmforsolvingtheproblem.Intheprogram,weimplementedtwoselection functions,roulette-wheelandgroupselection.Theresultsfrombothofthemdiffered dependingonwhetherweusedelitismornot.Elitismsignificantlyimprovedthe performanceoftheroulette-wheelfunction.Moreover...
N Queen's problem and solution using backtracking algorithm Find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of two numbers using EUCLID'S ALGORITHM Compute the value of A raise to the power B using Fast Exponentiation Implement First Come First Served (FCFS) CPU Scheduling Algorithm using C program ...
Lin used genetic algorithm to solve knapsack problem with imprecise weight [4], and he investigated the possibility of using genetic algorithms in solving the fuzzy knapsack problem without defining membership functions for each imprecise weight coefficient. The approach proposed by Lin simulates a ...