考虑到这部作品由SCE出品、由Mark Cerny(PS4之父)参与制作,你更加深了这种信念和意志。 《纳克》中的场景证明SCE实力不群,并给了玩家不错的第一印象
登场之初的纳克,与其后期的形态对比鲜明 但出于某种原因,开发者并没有对这些灵感进行深入的挖掘,这也许是因为,其前身只是索尼用于展示PS4技能的一个实验作品。具体点说,就是它的套路偏于传统,几乎可以被概括为战斗和前进。对此,你固然可以说,《纳克》中添加了平台动作的元素,但整个过程几乎不需要任何技巧。你也可以...
5 out of 5 stars review The best game in the world. This game is godlike. Nothing comes close to this master peice. First off the story is so good. Next the graphics look pike someone took the greatest artist in the world and made them do the graphics. The story continue's from ...
doi:http://www.2d-x.com/knack-ps4-reviewA review of Sony Japan Studios' PS4 launch title, Knack.Vejnovic, Tatjana2D-X - The Best Damn Video Game Site. Period.
PoorCheck out the review Where to buy PS4 Knack $10.74 at Amazon GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Latest on Knack 29 9 Free PS4/PS3/Vita PlayStation Plus Games For February 2018 Revealed PlayStation Now Adds 16 Games, See Them All Here ...
Excellent review but I dont think I will buy this one right away. If anything I will rent this one from GameFly. 0 Reply 21 Spidernoir Fri 22nd Nov 2013 The reviews scores are telling me to pick this up when I get my PS4. Well that and this is the only action-adventure game other...
Knack Review There’s a chapter in PS4 platformerKnacktitled ‘back to basics’. It’s ironic, really, as that’s a phrase that actually relates to the game in general in many, many ways. While console launch games rarely excel at innovation and originality,Knackis disappointingly uninspired...
Knack was one of the PlayStation 4's flagship first party exclusives for the console when it originally launched in 2013. While this is a game that did
Knack II review WhenKnack IIwas announced at PSX 2016, I admit that I was probably one of the loudest groans in the auditorium.Knackhad left a bad taste in many people’s mouths, coming across more as a tech demo for the newly-launched PS4 than an action game any of us wanted to ...
Knack seems to be one of the more underrated PS4 launch games for whatever reason, but as a family-oriented adventure title, it seems to be shaping up quite nicely. With an almost Pixar-like aesthetic, co-op gameplay, simple controls and variable A.I., I expect the younger set to enjo...