# is required to use systemd to manage services at boot export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin function help() { echo "Usage: `basename $0` -v [single | cluster | devops | ci] -s [dgiot_n] -p [your_dgiot_plugin] -d [your_domain_name] -m [dgiotmd5] -e [pg_eip] -a [...
Faker\Provider\en_US\AddresscityPrefix // 'Lake' secondaryAddress // 'Suite 961' state // 'NewMexico' stateAbbr // 'OH' citySuffix // 'borough' streetSuffix // 'Keys' buildingNumber // '484' city // 'West Judge' streetName // 'Keegan Trail' streetAddress // '439 Karley Loaf ...
In this case the reference has to have the form prefix:resourceclassname. labels: Language dependent, human readable names comments: Language dependend comments (optional) properties: Array of property definition for this resource class.Example:...
implementation detail users must not rely on. It should not be used in unit tests. * Change the signature of Any::PackFrom() to return false on error. * Add fast reflection getter API for strings. * Constant initialize the global message instances ...
cp -R en zh mv zh/en.xml zh/zh.xml vim zh/zh.xml (替换路径`en/us/callie`和 `en`等:第二行修改为) <language name="zh" say-module="zh" sound-prefix="$${sounds_dir}/zh/cn/link" tts-engine="cepstral" tts-voice="link"> ...
The internationalization configuration needs to add the key of the corresponding language in the topmost i18n array. If the data is empty, the default is no internationalization. Example: "i18n": ["zh","en"] // Indicates that the two languages zh and en are required Data Type Configuration...
language support - multi-language component - multi-language layout - add tab drag and drop sort - add permissionCacheType setting - the cache can be configured to be encrypted - add card-list page - integrate upload components into form by default - added base64 file stream download - add...
./configure --prefix=/usr/keepalived-2.0.20 make && make install chmod 644 keepalived.conf chmod +x /usr/keepalived-2.0.20/container_check.sh systemctl enable keepalived.service systemctl start keepalived.service } function install_python() { yum -y groupinstall "Development tools" ...
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and //...