If you have ArcGIS Desktop, you could use KML To Layer—Conversion toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop. By default, the data source is saved as a file Geodatabase Feature Class. You could export the data to shapefile, if desired. Then you could use Add Geometry Attributes—Data Management toolbox |...
In this article we will have a look on how shapefile can be converted in KML. For conversion ogr2ogr command has used which should be written on terminal (command promt). You need to install ogr2ogr tool, which is open source tool and can be installed in Windows, Ubuntu, Mac or any...
From the ArcGIS ribbon, Map tab, Layer panel, clickAdd Data. Navigate to and double-click the.gdbfile for this exercise. Select theMeter_Salesshapefile. ClickOKto add it to the table of contents. On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Allocator panel, clickAllocation Manager. ...