To convert multiple shapefiles to a KML file, group all the shapefiles in the Content pane. Skip this step if converting only one shapefile. Press Ctrl and click to select the desired shapefiles. Right-click a selected shapefile, and click Group. The selected shapefiles are grouped into ...
一、shapefile 2 kml Arcgis9.2中3D Analyst Tools > Conversion > To KML -> Layer to KML/Map to KML,可以把shapefile文件转成KML文件,然后在Google Earth的File中打开,就可以在Google Earth上显示了! 二、kml 2 shapefile 1.点文件例:首先把所有的点在google earth中用save place as功能,保存为后缀名为km...
Some of these will require you to convert your GPX data into an alternate format, like KML or shapefile. A search of this website will bring up lots of programs that can do these conversions, but probably the simplest way is to load your GPX file into Google Earth, then export the data...
在arcmap中选arctoolbox---conversiontools---toshapefile判断CAD地形图的比例尺判断CAD地形图的比例尺,也可以通过量取CAD电子图中普通文字注记的实际高度来判断。例如回答者:gdx145943所说的高程注记的高度,按照国家地形图图示... kiss mayue邀请你来回答 赞 回复 (2) 如何用arcgis裁剪dem,没有矢量数据。