Cluster wide metrics exported by KMinion One of the three Grafana dashboards for the KMinion Prometheus Exporter that exports Apache Kafka metrics: Revisions RevisionDescriptionCreated Kafka Grafana Labs solution ...
{"level":"debug","ts":"2024-07-02T10:05:49.674Z","logger":"main.kgo_client","msg":"connection opened to broker","addr":"kf-kminion-test-staging-kf-kminion-test-staging-broker-1.kf-kminion-test-staging-kafka-brokers.kafka-mks-test.svc:9092","broker":"1"} {"level":"debug",...
KMinion is a feature-rich Prometheus exporter for Apache Kafka written in Go. It is lightweight and highly configurable so that it will meet your requirements. - Issues · redpanda-data/kminion
第185期:姜小牙的明信片 2021-09-01 08:41:5608:34165.9万 所属专辑:爆笑米小圈 | 从头笑到尾 6元开会员,免费听 购买| 99喜点 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 当前评论用户 听友409972480 002
K.Malo - Minion
MINION系列射灯是一款极佳的商业照明展示以及重点照明灯具; 该产品使用顶级COB芯片,保证了颜色和亮度一致性; 深陷式面罩设计提供了良好的眩光控制; 灯体为高密度挤压铝材,外形简约时尚,质感上乘; 多瓦数的配置让选择更加丰富; 可定制黑色、灰色。 本产品适配嵌入式安装。
MINION系列射灯是一款极佳的商业照明展示以及重点照明灯具; 该产品使用顶级COB芯片,保证了颜色和亮度一致性; 深陷式面罩设计提供了良好的眩光控制; 灯体为高密度挤压铝材,外形简约时尚,质感上乘; 多瓦数的配置让选择更加丰富; 可定制黑色、灰色。 本产品适配嵌入式安装。
功率20W供电电压AC220-240V 调光方式非调光/开关光源类型LED 光通量2000lm显色指数80 光束角15°色温4000K 灯具尺寸圆形118x107.13mm开孔尺寸圆形110mm 灯具材质铝材质颜色白色 安装方式天花嵌入式IP等级IP20 出光方式直接照明发光效率100lm/w 调节方向不可调 ...
Mega Minion K.O. ! by ChezMakes 3 0 0 + Voting Closed Finalist The Mega Minion has become a professional boxer. He starts in a ready position and then throws a couple punches. To end it he finishes with a big upper cut and it says “K.O.” This emote would be perfect for ...
I use Kminion 2.2.8, topicManagement is enabled. According to the documentation: Will reassign partitions to ensure every broker leads at least one partition, and that all partitions' replicas are distributed evenly across the brokers. K...