kmalloc-128 slab is growing up to occupy a large portion of the total RAM. Roughly 28.3GB out of 125.6GB total RAM is used for slab. Roughly 27.8GB out of 28.3GB slab is used for kmalloc-128 cache. How to troubleshoot the significant growth on kmalloc-128 slab?
kmalloc:申请的物理地址不连续,大小限制为128kb,kzalloc清零版本 vmalloc:在虚拟内存空间申请一片连续的地址,物理可能不连续 alloc_page:申请连续的物理页_牛客网_牛客在手,offer不愁
1) 在网络驱动中动态分配这么大的内存,明显是不合理的。应该预先分配好,直接引用或者用slab cache的方式来申请。2)如果必须要用kmalloc分配,也要注意它的flag,atomic还是可睡眠的,还是dma专用的,这些不但影响你kmalloc的效率,而且影响你的功能是否正确(如果你在接收中断里调用了可睡眠的kmalloc,那...
kmalloc-128 slab is growing up to occupy a large portion of the total RAM. Roughly 28.3GB out of 125.6GB total RAM is used for slab. Roughly 27.8GB out of 28.3GB slab is used for kmalloc-128 cache. How to troubleshoot the significant growth on kmalloc-128 slab?