Save time at the airport by checking in online. You can check in from 30 hours before your flight's departure (24 hours for flights to or from the US).
Check in online to save time and avoid queues. You can also check in at the airport: at a self-service kiosk or at the check-in desk. - KLM United States
Save time at the airport by checking in online. You can check in from 30 hours before your flight's departure (24 hours for flights to or from the US).
Compare and book all KLM flights, view great last minute offers, choose your favourite seat, check in online, book hotels and all you need for your trip.
Compare and book all KLM flights, view great last minute offers, choose your favourite seat, check in online, book hotels and all you need for your trip.
Does KLM have Online check-in? Yes, KLM's Internet Check-in allows you to check-in 1-30 hours before your flight departs, depending on your destination and departure airport. All you need is an internet connection and a printer! Check-in now for your KLM flight What are the requirements...
Check-In KLM has different check-in opening and closing times depending on whether your flight is domestic or international, as well as your method of check-in. Online Check-in Passengers with a KLM booking can choose to check in online, either via the airline's direct website or...
Compare and book all KLM flights, view great last minute offers, choose your favourite seat, check in online, book hotels and all you need for your trip.
Compare and book all KLM flights, view great last minute offers, choose your favourite seat, check in online, book hotels and all you need for your trip.
Compare and book all KLM flights, view great last minute offers, choose your favourite seat, check in online, book hotels and all you need for your trip.