Klipper is a 3d-printer firmware. Contribute to Klipper3d/klipper development by creating an account on GitHub.
Unknown pin chip name 'probe' Check if there is a fileBDsensor.pyin the~/klipper/klippy/extras/, if not please install again by runningcd ~/Bed_Distance_sensor/klipper/and./install_BDsensor.sh One common reason is the updating of Fluidd or Mainsail that will remove the BDsensor.py file ...
`Unknown package 'nginx-ssl'. Collected errors: pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for nginx-ssl found, but incompatible with the architectures configured opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package nginx-ssl.` Here some info. `uname -a Linux OpenWrt 5.4.105 #0 Fri Mar 19 23...
The built in sensor_type NTC 100K beta 3950 is too inaccurate to be used and shouldn't be provided unless fixed. The algorithm used, assumes the beta is a constant 3950 throughout the temp range, but in reality none of these types of the...
If using a toolhead sensor, that must be reliable too. The hall effect based switch is very awkward to get right because of so many variables: strength of magnet, amount of iron in washer, even temperature, therefore I strongly recommend a simple microswitch based detection. They work first...
[output_pin caselight] pin: host:P20 [temperature_sensor enclosure_temp] sensor_type: HTU21D i2c_mcu: host i2c_bus: i2c.1 htu21d_hold_master: False Author eziologico commented May 26, 2020 Hi @dianlight , Thank you for your reply. I think, in first, I must create the klipper....
If using a toolhead sensor, that must be reliable too. The hall effect based switch is very awkward to get right because of so many variables: strength of magnet, amount of iron in washer, even temperature, therefore I strongly recommend a simple microswitch based detection. They work first...
GUI for Klipper. Contribute to KlipperScreen/KlipperScreen development by creating an account on GitHub.
{string} Loaded | Unloaded | Unknown printer.mmu.filament_pos : {int} state machine - exact location of filament printer.mmu.filament_direction : {int} 1 (load( | -1 (unload) printer.mmu.servo : {string} Up | Down | Move | Unknown printer.mmu.ttg_map : {list} defined gate for ...
If using a toolhead sensor, that must be reliable too. The hall effect based switch is very awkward to get right because of so many variables: strength of magnet, amount of iron in washer, even temperature, therefore I strongly recommend a simple microswitch based detection. They work first...