Want to use someheatsoak timebefore each print (heatsoaking in itself is enabled but the time set to 0 by default), please change the global variablevariable_heat_soak_time: 0(to e.g.variable_heat_soak_time: 10for a 10 minute heatsoak) under[gcode_macro _global_var]in the 'sovol-ma...
Start G-CodeIt varies depending on your slicer. Find instructions here.End G-CodePRINT_END Line PurgeIf you would like to print a purge line before your print starts, at the end of your start gcode, on a new line, add one of the following:...
Start G-CodeIt varies depending on your slicer. Find instructions here.End G-CodePRINT_END Line PurgeIf you would like to print a purge line before your print starts, at the end of your start gcode, on a new line, add one of the following:...