interpolate: True run_current: 0.9 hold_current: 0.7 sense_resistor: 0.110 stealthchop_threshold: 200 ### Z2轴设置 ### [stepper_z2] #Z2电机脉冲引脚设置 step_pin: PD5 #Z2电机方向引脚设置,可以通过添或删除引脚前面的!来改变电机的运转方向 dir_pin: !PD6 #Z2电机使能引脚设置 enable_pin: ...
[tmc2209 stepper_x]uart_pin: PE7run_current: 0.800hold_current: 0.500stealthchop_threshold: 0--- 这个位置---interpolate: Truedriver_sgthrs: 30diag_pin: PB14 [stepper_y]step_pin: PD8dir_pin: !PB12enable_pin: !PD9microsteps: 32rotation_distance: 40full_steps_per_rotation: 200endstop_...
uart_pin: PA15#microsteps: 16interpolate: True run_current:0.6hold_current:0.4sense_resistor:0.110stealthchop_threshold:200###Z0轴设置###[stepper_z]#Z0电机脉冲引脚设置step_pin: PE2#Z0电机方向引脚设置,可以通过添或删除引脚前面的!来改变电机的运转方向dir_pin: !PE4#Z0电机使能引脚设置enable_p...
# run_current: 0.8 # interpolate: True # stealthchop_threshold: 0 # [tmc2208 stepper_y] # uart_pin: PC13 # run_current: 0.8 # interpolate: True # stealthchop_threshold: 0 # [tmc2208 stepper_z] # uart_pin: PC7 # run_current: 0.8 # hold_current: 1.0 # interpolate: True # stealth...
Do not run data lines (USB, UART, CANBUS) close to and in parallel to high current lines like heaters or steppers. Use high quality cables (shielded / ferrite core). Keep such cables as short as possible | 避免通讯数据线(USB、UART、CANBUS)与高电流电源线(加热器、步进电机)太近或者并排...
run_current: 0.8 hold_current: 0.6 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 [tmc2209 stepper_z] uart_pin: gpio3 tx_pin: gpio4 uart_address: 3 run_current: 0.8 hold_current: 0.6 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 别外新增一个5轴全轴单线UART板子,已打板验证支持TMC2225 TMC2208的UART ...
run_current: The currently set run current. hold_current: The currently set hold current. toolhead The following information is available in the toolhead object (this object is always available): position: The last commanded position of the toolhead relative to the coordinate system specif...
run_current: 1.800 sense_resistor: 0.051 idle_current_percent: 20 #___ Z3 ON DRIVE E6 ___ [stepper_z3] step_pin: PD27 dir_pin: !PC0 enable_pin: !PC6 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 4 full_steps_per_rotation: 200 gear_ratio: 16:40...
run_current = 1.000 sense_resistor = 0.051 idle_current_percent = 20 [stepper_z] step_pin = PD8 dir_pin = PD13 enable_pin = !PC6 step_distance = .0025 endstop_pin = ^PD29 position_endstop = 0.5 position_max = 200 [tmc2660 stepper_z] ...
RUN_SHELL_COMMAND CMD=voice_notify PARAMS={params.INFO} {% endif %} _EOF_ 测试及使用方法: 目前KlipperPad 内置支持打印开始、打印结束、检测到断料三个语音,位于~/Music文件夹内,分别对应数字 0-1-2 ,后续可根据需求增加。 启用语音播报:在printer.cfg文件中增加一句:[include misc/voice_notify.cfg]即...