pin: EXP1_1#无源蜂鸣器(piezo beeper)需要 PWM 信号控制,有源(DC buzzer)不需要pwm: True value: 0#Silent at power on,setto 1ifactive low.shutdown_value: 0#Disable at emergency shutdown (no PWM would be available anyway).cycle_time: 0.001#Default PWM frequency : 0.001 = 1ms will give a...
[power Printer]type:gpio pin:gpiochip0/gpio73 bound_services:klipper off_when_shutdown:truerestart_klipper_when_powered:trueinitial_state:on 然后,并不能正常工作,且moonraker会提示配置错误。 我尝试了例如且MainSail-UI设置-打印机电源设备没有发生改变,仍为Auto(-)。 解决方法: 来源于 https://github....
Klipper is a 3d-Printer firmware. It combines the power of a general purpose computer with one or more micro-controllers. See thefeatures documentfor more information on why you should use Klipper. To begin using Klipper start byinstallingit. ...
Copy #取消 led 控制,注释 ./ &sudo nano /etc/scripts/控制照明灯光config = curl -XPOST "localhost:7125/machine/device_power/device?device=printer_led&action=toggle" 7.5.4 一键归位 G28# 和上面类似,可以调用 Klipper 宏命令,可以使用已有的比如 G28 归位,或者自定义的。参考m...
Klipper is a 3d-printer firmware. Contribute to Klipper3d/klipper development by creating an account on GitHub.
Unlock the full potential of the Klipper 3D printer with our printer software. Seamlessly manage multiple printers remotely with our Klipper 3D software.
Klipper is a 3d-Printer firmware. It combines the power of a general purpose computer with one or more micro-controllers. See the features document for more information on why you should use Klipper. To begin using Klipper start by installing it. Klipper is Free Software. See the license or...
Sovol SV07 Plus 3D Printer with Klipper Firmware, Max Print Speed 500mm/s, 300o'c High Temp, 600W Meanwell Power Auto Leveling $89.10 - $220.50 $89.10 - $220.50 10% off Min. order: 10 pieces Sovol SV06 Plus Fully Open Source 3D Printer 300*300*340mm Direct-Exturder 150mm/s Fas...
**Ease of Use and Connectivity** The printer's modular design allows for quick assembly, making it a breeze to set up and use. The integrated power supply with a large capacitance storage ensures a quick start-up, while the 100Mbps Ethernet interface enables remote control printing from PCs...
**Advanced Features for Precision Printing** The SHT36 V3 board is not just about power; it is also about precision. It integrates a CAN/RS232 communication interface, allowing seamless connection to the UTOC/UTOR board for efficient Klipper firmware communication. The inclusion of a TMC2209 ...