Could not once print with Klipper as I always get "Move exceeds maximum extrusion (0.647mm^2 vs 0.640mm^2)" after the prime start code. Slicer is Cura 4.8. Printer is an Ender 3 with MicroSwiss and BMG. The example config for the SKR E3 board doesn't have _max_extrude_cross_section...
move out of range:移动超出距离 mesh_min应该大于y_offset值 no trigger on probe after full movement完全移动后未触发探针 mesh_min值的问题,该值未设置好导致探针没在热床范围内,该值为正值应该大于y_offset 目前就更新这么多,大家碰到啥解决不了的问题也可以发在评论区,解决后我会整合进该专栏 凑字数的...
When I try to start my print, the axis do the homing then the print wants to start but the head is moving from center to upper right corner of bed trying to exceed the limit. z Then octoprint shows Move out of range error. The 3d model is very small, it's not the problem. ...