gcode: BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD=default 完整配置如下 printer.cfg # This file contains common pin mappings for Ultimaker UltiMainboard v2 # boards. To use this config, thefirmwareshould be compiled for the # AVR atmega2560. # See docs/Config_Reference.md for a description of parameters. [include...
gcode 修改有风险,请充分测试 ; BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD="default" ; bed mesh 加载一般写在归零里,这句加不加无所谓 M104 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer] ; 设置喷嘴温度,温度占位变量根据实际切片软件修改 M140 S[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] ; 设置热床温度,温度占位变量根据实际切片软件修改 ...
举个例子:0.4mm 喷嘴打印层高是 0.2mm,找平范围在 0.1mm 附近(具体是多少没有研究过);而 0.8mm 喷嘴打印 0.4mm 层高时,找平范围就到 0.2mm 附近了,容差也会大很多。 软件补偿:bed mesh 在热膨胀等原因的影响下,平面无法达到绝对平整,软件补偿是必要的。(说的就是你,KPL5,怎么调都调不平) 当前成本最低...
否则默认-64, StallGuard2和4的区别见官方手册,精度更高{%setsgt=params.TMCSGT|default(255)|int%}SET_TMC_FIELDSTEPPER=stepper_{stepper}FIELD=SGTHRSVALUE={sgt}G4P2000G28{stepper}0M400BED_MESH_CLEARG91G0{stepper}-{backoff_distance}F3000G90[gcode_macroCALC_SGT]description:输入最大和最小...
SURFACE(default: current surface)- Bed surface. MAKE_SURFACE_MESH Generates a mesh associated with the specified surface. Ifvariable_start_try_saved_surface_meshis true thenSTART_PRINTwill load this mesh when the surface is selected (and skip the mesh leveling step if it was specified). ...
{% set dummy = params.SURFACE|default(active surface) %} " %} # End argument block for Mainsail [gcode_macro load_surface_mesh] description: Attempts to load a mesh associated with the specified surface. Usage: LOAD_SURFACE_MESH [SURFACE=<surface>] gcode: {% set surfaces = printer.save...
mesh = self.printer.lookup_object('bed_mesh', default=None) # from BED_POSITION parameter if bed_param: return self._parse_xy("BED_POSITION", bed_param, gcmd) # from configuration if self.bed_site is not None: return self.bed_site # from mesh's zero reference position if...
'bed_mesh', 'configfile', 'display_status', 'extruder', 'fan', 'gcode_move', 'heater_bed', 'idle_timeout', 'pause_resume', 'print_stats', 'toolhead', 'virtual_sdcard', 'webhooks', 'motion_report',
要启用bed mesh调平文件, print_start 里要加 BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD="XX" XX是网床的名字 一般是default 2023-09-13 10:481 温州阿正哥哥 请问我的tap调平,首层不平是怎么回事 2024-04-27 00:50 1 麒麟工匠 请问z归位不向下,往上跑,是哪里的问题 ...
# BED_MESH_CLEAR #清除调平数据 # G28 # BED_MESH_CALIBRATE #自动调平 # BED_MESH_PROFILE SAVE="name" #保存调平数据 # SAVE_CONFIG # BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD="name" #加载调平数据 # [gcode_macro G31] # gcode: # TESTZ Z=-1