短接跳帽从USB启动,显示设备为 Bus 001 Device 005: ID 16c0:27dd Van Ooijen Technische Informatica CDC-ACM class devices (modems) 板载一个 reset 按钮和 FLASH 指示灯,短接boot0和3.3v进入 dfu 模式可以烧录固件(此时 FLASH 灯亮起)。 注意,使用usb供电时,SKing 主板上的 5V 灯不亮,应该是采用了隔...
$(ColorGreen '3)') Check For Flashable Devices" canCheck=$(ip -s -d link | grep "can0") if [[ $canCheck != "" ]] && ([[ $flash == "can" ]] || [[ $flash == "" ]]); then echo -ne " $(ColorGreen '4)') Check Canbus UUID And Or Enter CANBUS Katapult Mo...
To make life easier in the future we are going to flash Katapult to our MCUs (we flash Katapult on both the mainboard MCUandthe toolhead MCU). This is a bootloader that makes it possible to flash Klipper firmware without the ST-Link via CANBus, USB or UART by the Host. Switch the ...
This is a bootloader that makes it possible to flash Klipper firmware without the ST-Link via CANBus, USB or UART by the Host. Switch the printer on, SSH into the printer, and install Katapult: Run this command to install Katapult: cd ~ && git clone https://github.com/Arksine/...
To make life easier in the future we are going to flash Katapult to our MCUs (we flash Katapult on both the mainboard MCUandthe toolhead MCU). This is a bootloader that makes it possible to flash Klipper firmware without the ST-Link via CANBus, USB or UART by the Host. ...