我们定义两个按钮用于触发开始和停止,同时使用板载 LED 灯珠显示当前状态。 Copy # sparrow 上的 D6-D9 数字引脚分别对应 32u4 的 PD7 PB4 PB5[gcode_buttonstart_capture]pin:PD7press_gcode:release_gcode:HYPERLAPSEACTION=STARTCYCLE=10[gcode_buttonstop_capture]pin:PD7press_gcode:release_gcode:HYPERLAPSEACTI...
The setup for LED's is contained at the bottom of the mmu_hardware.cfg file and requires the installtion of LED Effects for Klipper. More details about Happy Hare LED "bling" support can be found here 15. Debugging There is a lot that can go wrong with an MMU and initial setup can ...
The setup for LED's is contained at the bottom of the mmu_hardware.cfg file and requires the installtion of LED Effects for Klipper.More details about Happy Hare LED "bling" support can be found here15. DebuggingThere is a lot that can go wrong with an MMU and initial setup can be ...
[update_manager client z_calibration] type: git_repo path: ~/klipper_z_calibration origin: https://github.com/protoloft/klipper_z_calibration.git install_script: install.sh managed_services: klipper This requires this repository to be cloned into your home directory (e.g. /home/pi): git ...
Windows 10 v1809 or higher (Windows 11 required for Mica effects). Technically it could work as far back as Windows 7 but I haven't tested it. Additional Screenshots Background I have a 3D printer. I wanted to get into bookbinding, which utilises a lot of vinyl designs that typically...
Check if the boards led's and the led of the probe lights up. When nothing is 💥burning/exploding🔥 or smell♨️ weird after 1 minute then everything seems to be fine. Cut all installed zipties so they dont infere with anything. Mind the 🖼️frame visualization. close the main...
This may have varying effects depending on temperatures used. ## A Quick Demonstration Also consider picking up your probe prior to your nozzle wipe, to allow this script to probe the nozzle immediately after cleaning it. ## Disclaimer You use this on your onw risk! I'm not responsible...
I don't know if this will work or what odd effects it may lead to. If you make a code change, be sure to run "sudo service klipper restart" after each change. If you're not comfortable making a code change then this would need to wait for a developer interested in working on it...
github-actionsbotadded theStalelabelApr 30, 2021 eddietheengineer May 2, 2021 • edited Hello@ssotangkur, thank you for opening this issue and starting the discussion! @KevinOConnor, I've had similar concerns with the beta3950 as you have--I wasn't sure how consistent they were vs. ea...
Yes, Happy Hare can natively drive indicator LEDS attached to your MMU. This is all done through user modifiable macros contained inmmu_software.cfg. The setup for LED's is contained at the bottom of themmu_hardware.cfgfile and requires the installtion ofLED Effects for Klipper. ...