#显示屏及旋钮[display]lcd_type: ssd1306#i2c_bus: i2c0dencoder_pins: ^gpio24,^gpio23 encoder_steps_per_detent: 2 click_pin: ^gpio22 在Klipper 中配置 PWM 输出,可以用于控制加热器、风扇、LED等设备。正确配置 PWM 输出不仅需要在软件中进行配置,也要确保硬件电路的正确性和安全性。
i2c_mcu: pico i2c_bus: i2c0a [resonance_tester] accel_chip: mpu9250 probe_points: 100, 100, 20 # an example [static_digital_output pico_3V3pwm] pins: pico:gpio23 完成后,在fluidd 中的控制台(不是SSH) 输入ACCELEROMETER_QUERY 出现陀螺仪的姿态数据,即说明你的连接正常,可以开始测试了 把mpu605...
i2c_mcu: pico i2c_bus: i2c0a [resonance_tester] accel_chip: mpu9250 probe_points: 100, 100, 20 # an example [static_digital_output pico_3V3pwm] pins: pico:gpio23 完成后,在fluidd 中的控制台(不是SSH) 输入ACCELEROMETER_QUERY 出现陀螺仪的姿态数据,即说明你的连接正常,可以开始测试了 把mpu605...
4.2 触摸校准# 查看连接到系统的输入设备ns2009,使用半导小芯查询可知为I2C 接口 4 线电阻触摸屏控制器。 Copy #查看连接到系统的输入设备,测试可知 generic ft5x06 (51) 为触摸屏DISPLAY=:0 xinput --list#或者使用如下命令:#less /proc/bus/input/devicesI: Bus=0000 Vendor=0000 Product=0000 Version=000...
Improved performance on USB to CANbus bridge mode. Improved performance on "linux mcu". New support for software based i2c. New hardware support for tmc2240 stepper motor drivers, lis2dw12 accelerometers, and aht10 temperature sensors. New axis_twist_compensation and temperature_combined module...
Two MPUs can share one I2C bus, but they cannot measure simultaneously as the 400kbit/s I2C bus is not fast enough. One must have its AD0 pin pulled-down to 0V (address 104) and the other its AD0 pin pulled-up to 3.3V (address 105): [mpu9250 hotend] i2c_mcu: rpi ...
@joker1999:我用mpu6050 klipper版本v0.11 # [mpu9250] # i2c_mcu: stmg03 # i2c_bus: i2c1_PB6_PB7 # [resonance_tester] # accel_chip: mpu9250 # probe_points: # 100,110,20 # 更改为热床中心点,依次为x,y,z 2024-01-28 15:49:41 ...
i2c_address: 62 # Address is fixed on duex boards [static_digital_output onboard_led] pins: !PC2 [output_pin GPIO1] # General purpose pin broken out on the duex pin: sx1509_duex:PIN_11 pwm: False value: 1 [virtual_sdcard]
5. Reserved I2C interface allows for filament broke and clogged detection, and supports other DIY functions. 6. Added anti-flyback diodes on the heating rod and fans' ports effectively protect the MOS tube from being burned due to reverse voltage. ...
I2C Communication:Works with EBB36/42 CAN, suitable for DIY users. Eddy USB Communication:Directly connects to the host computer such as BIGTREETECH Pi via USB, easy to install and configure. Eddy Duo CAN/USB Communication:Supports communication with the mainboard via CAN bus/USB,offering flexi...