1.安装 kiauh 脚本安装 git clone https://gitee.com/miroky/kiauh.git./kiauh/kiauh.sh 2.选择:4) [Advanced] -> 8) [G-Code Shell Command] 2.使用 [gcode_shell_command start_tts]command:edge-playback--voice zh-CN-liaoning-XiaobeiNeural--text"将在滴声后开始打印,滴"timeout:60.0verbose:...
[gcode_shell_command voice_notify] command: bash /home/pi/kbox_scripts/voice_notify.sh timeout: 5. verbose: False [gcode_macro VOICE_NOTIFY] description: 语音播报功能, 后期将采用林志玲语音,调用命令:voice_notify INFO=0 | by 思兼 gcode: {% if params.INFO is not defined %} RESPOND MSG=...
安装KIAUH 的advanced选项中,选择gcode_shell_command 安装扩展后,您可以使用打印机printer.cfg中定义的自定义命令从 Klipper 中执行 linux 命令甚至脚本。 [gcode_shell_command delay_shutdown]command:shutdown-h 2#2分钟之后关机timeout:2.#超时verbose:True#命令的输出将转发到web前台[gcode_macro SHUTDOWN]gcod...
Klipper gcode_shell_command extra module here:https://github.com/dw-0/kiauh/blob/master/docs/gcode_shell_command.md or, it might already be installed. Mine was from somewhere. Installation steps: Create a file that contains a simple script to run when the macro is called. I called minefo...
Install gcode_shell_command curl -o ~/klipper/klippy/extras/gcode_shell_command.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dw-0/kiauh/master/resources/gcode_shell_command.py Setup Klipper with this repo cd ~ git clone https://github.com/alexjx/klipper_config.git cd klipper_config bash install.sh...
Error evaluating 'gcode_macro _SET_TIMELAPSE_SETUP:gcode': gcode.CommandError: CUSTOM_POS_X=10.0 must be within [0.0 - 0.0]"park_custom_pos_x:0.0park_custom_pos_y:0.0park_custom_pos_dz:0.0 手动开始和停止拍摄的命令如下: Copy HYPERLAPSE ACTION=START CYCLE=10 ...
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git -y Step 2: Once git is installed, use the following command to download KIAUH into your home-directory: cd ~ && git clone https://github.com/dw-0/kiauh.git Step 3: Finally, start KIAUH by running the next command: ...
Transfer it to the box inside/tmpdirectory with WinSCP or through command in Powershell/UNIX Terminal:scp /path/to/sysupgrade.bin root@ ssh to the box and navigate to/tmpmake sure the bin is there Dosysupgrade -n -v *bin ...
[gcode_shell_command gphoto_trigger] command: gphoto2 --trigger-capture timeout: 2. verbose: False [gcode_macro GPHOTO_TAKE_FRAME] gcode: RUN_SHELL_COMMAND CMD=gphoto_trigger Use GPHOTO_TAKE_FRAME in slicer after layer change You can also create another macro (named for ex: GPHOTO_TA...
[INSTALL] Adding update manager to moonraker.conf...[INSTALL] gcode_shell_command.py Klipper extension is already installed. Continuing... [POST-INSTALL] Restarting Klipper... [POST-INSTALL] Restarting Moonraker... [POST-INSTALL] Everything is ok, Klippain installed and up to date!