最后...请务必完整重启(比如ssh终端输入reboot)你的上位机,才能使功能完整生效 (其实就是因为之前和 @残念です 折腾了半天发现cura切片出来始终没法生效,但是用prusa就行,最后是靠重启解决的..) 到这里就没啥别的了,如果你使用的是Cura切片,则可以直接把所有零件都拖进去切片然后打印;如果你使用的是Prusa,则需要...
在网页配置文件夹中找到KlipperScreen.conf文件,按照示例修改即可。 此配置文件位于/home/pi/printer_data/config/KlipperScreen.conf,也可以手动修改 以下为添加名为BLV的打印机,其设备 IP 地址为192.168.0.101,如果上位机支持 mDNS(安装了 avahi-daemon 等实现),也可以直接填写[hostname].local来进行访问,其中[host...
Cura doesn't provide the Z-height of the current layer, so it's inferred from the current nozzle position, which will include the Z-hop if the nozzle is currently raised. This means height based gcode triggers may fire earlier than expected. ...
pluginuploadcuraultimaker3d-printerklippermoonrakerultimaker-cura UpdatedJun 23, 2024 QML Maker-Management-Platform/docs 3d-printingklipperproject-repositoryklipper3d UpdatedApr 24, 2024 Desuuuu/klipper-macros Star281 A collection of my Klipper G-code macros. ...
将ultimaker的usb和q5 的usb链接 刷机,安装完成后,选择build & flash firmware 自动开始刷机 在klipper的服务器上可以上传如下print.cfg文件、micro文件 # This file contains common pin mappings for Ultimaker UltiMainboard v2 # boards. To use this config, the firmware should be compiled for the ...
如果你用的是cura最新版,据说不用特别设置。如果你和我一样用的PrusaSlicer,继续往下看。 先把你的件摆进去。 然后进入打印设置-->输出选项。在“输出文件”的“标记对象”勾上。 然后切片并导出GCODE到你的打印机 第二步,klipper软件设置 先打开moonraker.conf。不要问我在哪里,我默认会自己修改配置文件了 ...
If you use Cura, there's a Time Lapse post proccessing script. See below Make sure camera app is running and the phone doesn't have a sleep timeout. Execute the ADB_START_SERVER macro to make sure adb-server is running and listening to commands. You can add this macro to your START...
mkdir ~/fluidd wget -q -O /root/fluidd/fluidd.zip https://github.com/cadriel/fluidd/releases/latest/download/fluidd.zip && unzip /root/fluidd/fluidd.zip -d /root/fluidd/ && rm /root/fluidd/fluidd.zip wget -q -O /root/klipper_config/moonraker.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ih...
Klipper Firmware for TwoTrees Sapphire Plus SP5. Contribute to Travis90x/Klipper-config development by creating an account on GitHub.
A collection of useful macros for the Klipper 3D printer firmware - readme: Cura config regex improvements · Identity-Unkn0wn/klipper-macros@bcd0f03