通过ssh连接鲁班猫,执行以下命令。 # 进入配置文件所在目录cd~/printer_data/config# 下载klicky-probe.cfg需要的宏命令wget 解压unzip 解压以后新增的文件klicky-probe.cfg#选择要开启功能的配置...
run_current:0.9hold_current:0.7sense_resistor:0.110stealthchop_threshold:200###E0挤出机设置###[extruder]# 挤出机电机脉冲引脚设置step_pin: PD12# 挤出机电机方向引脚设置,可以通过添或删除引脚前面的!来改变电机的运转方向dir_pin: !PC4# 挤出机电机使能引脚设置enable_pin: !PE8#---Klipper0.9以上版...
## Voron Design VORON2 250/300/350mm Spider TMC2209 UART config ## *** THINGS TO CHANGE/CHECK: *** ## Spider version Please search this file for "SpiderVersion" and uncomment the appropriate line for each ## MCU paths [mcu] section ## Thermistor types [extruder] and [heater_...
Shark ExtruderЭкструдерразработанныйдлязаменыстандартногонапринтере FBG6. Используетсяродноймоторираспространенныезапчастиот BMG, встаетнароднуюго...
TMC 'extruder' reports error: DRV_STATUS: c00e0090 s2vsa=1(LowSideShort_A!) olb=1(OpenLoad_B!) CS_ACTUAL=14 stealth=1 stst=1 Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the config, and restart the host software. Printer is...
在前一节中,已经用过跳线将鲁班猫和主板的串口引脚进行了连接,但是还没有开启鲁班猫0的串口,通过fire-config工具来启用UART8_M0,设置完成后重启,对应的接口是/dev/ttyS8 完成了这些设置以后,就可以根据3D打印机参数,修改Klipper配置文件了。 **网页登录 **http://lubancat ...
# See docs/ for a description of parameters. ## Voron Design VORON2 250/300/350mm Spider TMC2209 UART config ## *** THINGS TO CHANGE/CHECK: *** ## MCU paths [mcu] section ## Thermistor types [extruder] and [heater_bed] sections - See 'sensor types' list...
For example, to update the distance from extruder entrance (homing postion) to nozzle. MMU_TEST_CONFIG toolhead_extruder_to_nozzle=45 [!IMPORTANT] When you make a change with MMU_TEST_CONFIG it will not be persisted and is only effective until the next restart. Therefore once you find ...