用之前的坐标值减去现在的坐标值,就是bltouch的x_offset和y_offset 我们把他填到之前的配置文件中。 取决于你bltouch安装的高度(一般来说,探针收起时比挤出头高3mm),我们先把bltouch的z_offset设置为1。把之前注释掉的bltouch部分代码恢复,保存并重启 重启后bltouch探针会反复弹出几次,等缩回后 输入BLTOUCH_DE...
输入BLTOUCH_DEBUG COMMAND=pin_down,探针弹出 输入BLTOUCH_DEBUG COMMAND=pin_up,探针缩回 再次输入BLTOUCH_DEBUG COMMAND=pin_down,探针弹出 并输入BLTOUCH_DEBUG COMMAND=touch_mode 然后输入QUERY_PROBE 会显示probe:open 将探针碰缩回去,再输入QUERY_PROBE 会 返回 “probe:TRIGGERED”。 至此,bltouch也安装正常。
Ultimaker2 改装klipper【2】手动网床调平 接上文,将um2改成klipper后,热床上虽然有硼化玻璃,依然有0.15mm左右的高度差,我经常打印220 * 220的东西,面积一大,首层各种不牢固。 因为um2不支持bltouch等,也懒得折腾了,所以用了手动网床调平。 在printer配置文件中新增 [bed_mesh] speed: 100 horizontal_move_z...
ESTOP2# Y_MINposition_endstop:0# Y Offset[stepper_z]step_pin:MOT2_STEPdir_pin:!MOT2_DIRenable_pin:!MOT0_ENmicrosteps:16step_pulse_duration:0.000004rotation_distance:4# 根据情况修改position_endstop:0.5# disable to use BLTouchendstop_pin:^!ESTOP4# disable to use BLTouch, Z_MINposition_...
[bltouch] sensor_pin: PC1 # ^ = Activate pullup resistor to avoid floating input control_pin: !PC3 # ! = Active low x_offset: -16.88 y_offset: -18 #z_offset: 1.1 speed: 5 samples: 1 Here's the whole config: #___ X ON DRIVE X ___ [stepper_x] step_pin: PD6 dir_pin:...
Closed I did the z calibration and after that I click on accept and then save_config. After pressing the save config I got this error message Option 'z_offset' in section 'bltouch' must be specified Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "RESTART" ...
BLtouch | BDsensor GND --> GND 5V --> 5V S --> CLK/SCL (Input) GND --> GND Zmin --> SDA (Input/Output) Since some of the pins in the connectors on the mainboard maybe not connected to the gpios of MCU directly (e.g. there maybe a filter capacitor on them or isolated by...
## This bltouch is not used for Z height, only Quad Gantry Leveling ## In Z+ Position #sensor_pin: PA0 ## In Y+ Position #control_pin: PA2 #x_offset: 0 #y_offset: 25.0 #z_offset: 0 #speed: 10.0 #samples: 3 #samples_result: median ...
Offset Printing Machine Other attributes Warranty 1 Year Applicable Industries Manufacturing Plant, Machinery Repair Shops, Home Use, Food Shop, Printing Shops, Advertising Company Weight (KG) 0.2 Showroom Location None Video outgoing-inspection
## This bltouch is not used for Z height, only Quad Gantry Leveling ## In Z+ Position #sensor_pin: PA0 ## In Y+ Position #control_pin: PA2 #x_offset: 0 #y_offset: 25.0 #z_offset: 0 #speed: 10.0 #samples: 3 #samples_result: median #sample_retract_dist: 3....