Bed Mesh 热床网格补偿(音频处理加强版) 2847 -- 7:52 App Voron2.4 klipper初始化配置之限位检查 归位检查 热床定位 00点定位 探头精度检查 Voron2.4调试教程(7) 1090 -- 1:35 App 03 测试Z偏移以及床网补偿 2.3万 23 48:05 App 【保姆级】Voron-Tap全攻略(光电传感器硬件安装,Probe软件设置,喷嘴热...
(因为bltouch位置距离挤出头有一个偏移,所以可做网床的大小要比实际热床小,一般mesh_min就是热床起始位置加上一个偏移值(10左右),mesh_max是热床最大位置减去bltouch的offset值再减一个附加偏移值); probe_count: 为x和y各取几个点。 设置完成后,保存重启。 先复位,然后输入 BED_MESH_CALIBRATE,可以看到bl...
3、自动震动补偿测量 SHAPER_CALIBRATE 4、自动(手动)床网补偿 BED_MESH_CALIBRATE [bed_mesh] speed: 120 horizontal_move_z: 5 mesh_min: 10, 10 #起始点位 mesh_max: 110, 110 #结束点位 probe_count: 3, 3 #X,Y轴上各取几个点 fade_start: 1 fade_end: 10 fade_target: 0 [stepper_z]下...
An Python plugin enabling the bed mesh based on the printed part. - klipper_adaptive_bed_mesh/ at main · eamars/klipper_adaptive_bed_mesh
###Bed Mesh `BED_MESH_CALIBRATE` `BED_MESH_CALIBRATE`and`G20` Wraps the equivalent Klipper command to scale and redistribute the probe points so that only the appropriate area in`MESH_MIN`and`MESH_MAX`is probed. This can dramatically reduce probing times for anything that doesn't fill the...
This does several things. For a given number of points, there is less motion, so it should be faster. Also, for the same number of points, you will have a much denser mesh and, thus, a better idea of what the bed is at any given point. You could even reduce the number of points...
## PID tune [extruder] and [heater_bed] sections ## Fine tune E steps [extruder] section [mcu] ## Uncomment below if you're using the Raspberry uart0 to communicate with Spider #restart_method: command ## You need to select 'Communication interface' to USB in 'make menuconfig'...
# BED_MESH_CLEAR #清除调平数据 # G28 # BED_MESH_CALIBRATE #自动调平 # BED_MESH_PROFILE SAVE="name" #保存调平数据 # SAVE_CONFIG # BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD="name" #加载调平数据 # [gcode_macro G31] # gcode: # TESTZ Z=-1
# 'command'方法调用向单片机发送klipper命令来重置它们自己 # 当单片机连接到串口时默认是'arduino',否则默认是'command' [virtual_sdcard] path: /home/user/printer_data/gcodes # The path of the local directory on the host machine to look for ...
A Klipper Extension for the Probe Obj that allows the first probe sample to be discarded from the following command: PROBE,PROBE_ACCURACY,PROBE_CALIBRATE,QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL,BED_MESH_CALIBRATE,SCREWS_TILT_CALCULATE,Z_TILT_ADJUST,PROBE_Z_ACCURACY, and CALIBRATE_Z bltouch klipper ender3 z-probe vor...