11JuliaN.Munier,LebensweltenundVerfolgungsschicksalehomosexuellerMännerinBadenundWürttembergim20.Jahrhundert(Stuttgart:VerlagW.Kohlhammer,2021),362.12TommyDickinson,›CuringtheQueers‹:MentalNursesandtheirPatients,1934–74(Manch-ester:UniversityPress,2015). KarenNolteundSteffKunz:PsychiatrischeKliniken115...
The registry for coercive measures in the Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg, available since 2015 and comprising all 32 hospitals licensed to admit involuntary patients, has made it possible to evaluate the effect of the legal change. We analyzed the mean percentage of ...
This app is your ideal companion – it comes with the most important things to know for your stay at the Földiklinik in Hinterzarten. Download it now! THINGS TO KNOW FROM A TO Z Discover useful information about our specialised hospital in Baden-Wuerttemberg: Details about check-in/check...
The aim of this study was to compare the experiences of two hospitals during establishing a certified obesity center in Heidelberg/Salem (HD/Salem) and in Baden-Baden (Bad). Material and methods: The operation numbers, surgical procedures, the need for revision and the length of hospital stay...
For quantitative comparisons, we introduced benchmarking in psychiatric hospitals in Baden-Wuerttemberg, which in the meantime have been joined by hospitals in other German federal states, Switzerland, and Luxemburg. The most important quality indicators include the percentage of admissions exposed to ...
In order not to overwhelm hospital capacities in the event of local outbreaks, acorresponding relocation concept should be considered at an early stage.Pfenninger, E. G.UAG Notfall, Ministerium für Soziales und Integration Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, DeutschlandFaust, J-O....
Baden-Württemberg: Weitere 141 Millionen Euro für die vier UniklinikenDie vier Universittskliniken in Baden-Württemberg erhalten weitere Finanzhilfen in Hhe von 141 Millionen Euro.kma - Klinik Management aktuelldoi:10.1055/s-0043-1762853
Methods The registry of coercive measures of psychiatric hospitals in Baden-W眉rttemberg that was established in 2015, yields the possibility to examine the appropriateness of this indicator, based on raw data of 108,863 cases in 2016. This study investigated how the indicator is influenced by ...