This is a pack only for modders with several ship images from Klingon Star Trek TOS era. The ships only need the top cell images which they can be completed with the game cells editor and default top image added in the pack for each unit. For the record.
Klingonese (also known more commonly as "Klingon") was the language used by the Klingon species and throughout the Klingon Empire. It was boasted that half the quadrant was learning the language by the mid-23rd century. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")
STA3: Road to the Stars is a mod for ARMA3 that brings the Star Trek TOS series to life. It will allow you to explore strange new worlds, and let you take part in away missions that will test both your diplomatic and combat ability. In the first stage of the project three proof of...
Klingons are redefined by Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, with an emphasis on rituals and honor that changes the Klingons' favored weapons. Instead of carrying disruptors like Tos Klingons, 24th-century Klingon combat is defined by bladed weapons, like the two...
Klingon ships of the Starfleet Handbook part 2 St... Download:free Website:Printables add to list order this print TagsStar Trek Catan Alternate Races Download:free Website:Thingiverse add to list order this print Klingon ships of the Starfleet Handbook part 1 St... ...
This is a Mod for Event Horizon Space RPG. (Android,PC,Mac,Linux) It adds Star Trek factions to the game. Many canon ships and a whole lot of new ships. Ships designed by CBS/Paramount for TOS/TNG/TMP/DS9/ENT/Voyager, Ships designed by STO, Ships designed by Atolm, Ships designed...