I mean, what were the odds that they'd run into the one ship in the whole Quadrant with a Klingon aboard? Mislim, koji su bili izgledi da naidju na jedini brod u celom kvadrantu sa Klingonkom na njemu? OpenSubtitles2018.v3 If all goes well the Klingons will retreat into their ...
There's a Lego Cruise Ship in Building 85This has nothing to do with work (well, OK, I used Windows 8 for some photos, planning, desktop...Date: 06/16/2012Use the Windows 8 Language Profile to pick YOUR language(s)One of the best new globalization features of Windows 8 is the new...
There's a Lego Cruise Ship in Building 85This has nothing to do with work (well, OK, I used Windows 8 for some photos, planning, desktop...Date: 06/16/2012Use the Windows 8 Language Profile to pick YOUR language(s)One of the best new globalization features of Windows 8 is the new...
There's a Lego Cruise Ship in Building 85This has nothing to do with work (well, OK, I used Windows 8 for some photos, planning, desktop...Date: 06/16/2012Use the Windows 8 Language Profile to pick YOUR language(s)One of the best new globalization features of Windows 8 is the new...
Hechu'ghos set course (set a ship's course) TNG: "Unification I" HIjol energize (voice command to transporter activation) ENT: "Marauders" hur'q outsider DS9: "The Sword of Kahless" in'cha begin DS9: "The Way of the Warrior" ...
After all, Star Trek: The Next Generation produced A Matter of Honour in its second season, assigning Riker to serve on a Klingon ship as part of an exchange programme. However, that episode was told primary from a human perspective, the story centring on Riker adjusting and adapting to an...
It would've been a fun series, how could it not have been? Imagine Worf, the Captain of a Federation ship, commanding with his iron-Klingon fist. It would have been a treat. Yet, with Worf's actor, Michael Dorn, now into his 70s, it's hard to argue for a show featuring him as...
I first became aware ofMichael Douganin the mid-80s from his work inWeirdo. The first story of his that I can remember was“Dennis the Sullen Menace”, written by Dennis P. Eicchorn. This issue (no. 19) was edited byAline Kominsky-Crumb, who took over the editorship of the magazine...
Some Star Trek fans have tried to rationalize the pink blood in-universe, suggesting that the change in color may have been due to a reaction to the zero-gravity in Gorkon's ship. However, that doesn't explain the return of pink blood in Star Trek: Discovery....
There's a Lego Cruise Ship in Building 85This has nothing to do with work (well, OK, I used Windows 8 for some photos, planning, desktop...Date: 06/16/2012Use the Windows 8 Language Profile to pick YOUR language(s)One of the best new globalization features of Windows 8 is the new...