游戏Star Trek: Klingon中包含了Klingon语教学元素。 今年Iphone APP STORE出了Klingon教学软件,内含Conversational Klingon和字典。 3Klingon字母表是神马?原版书写系统称为plqaD,如下 据说发明者灵感来自于藏语但是因为电脑很难打,记忆也不方便,所以地球上Klingon学术交流都用...
游戏Star Trek: Klingon中包含了Klingon语教学元素。 ,Iphone APP STORE出了Klingon教学软件,内含Conversational Klingon和字典。 Klingon字母表是神马?原版书写系统称为plqaD,如下 据说发明者灵感来自于藏语但是因为电脑很难打,记忆也不方便,所以地球上Klingon学术交流都用...
Most of Worf's Tng stories reflect this tension and explore Worf's involvement in Klingon politics.While mapping out Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry envisioned that the United Federation of Planets had achieved peace with the Klingon Empire by the 24th century....
According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 222, this was a term meaning "to put an audio signal "on speakers"".Klag "yI-Har-Qo! nep-we' ghaH!" ("Do not believe him! He lies!") Kargan "Hol-chaj yI-jatlh." ("Speak in their language.") (TNG: "A ...
The Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Sins of the Father” took Captain Picard to Qo’noS, the Klingon homeworld, for the first time, but a few moments ended up on the cutting room floor. The folks at TrekCore have recovered a workprint, revealing those moments for the very first...
A bit of Star Trek fan fiction. The young Klingon woke up on the ground, before a set of great, iron gates. The gates were large and imposing. Everything beyond the gates seemed to disappear. What could be behind those gates, he couldn't possibly guess. It seemed like it must protect...
(including MicroProse's own very disappointing Star Trek: Generations). Based on acclaimed Unreal engine, KHG looks great, and captures the mood of ST:TNG almost perfectly. The only downside - at that time - was the hefty system requirements: at least a P266MMX, 64MB of RAM, and ...
visibility. Worf was promoted to Chief of Security on the USS Enterprise-D after the death of Lt. Tasha Yar (Denise Crosby), became a Strategic Operations Officer onStar Trek: Deep Space Nine, and reunited with the Enterprise crew for theTNGmovies, before becomingCaptain of the USS ...
Star Trek: The Next Generation perpetuated The Motion Picture's revamped Klingon look with their wild hair, bony foreheads, and armor, and this became the most popular version. Through the trials and tribulations of Worf (Michael Dorn), TNG and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine thoroughly explored ...
TagsStar Trek Adventures - TNG Klingon Warband Download:free Website:Thingiverse add to list order this print Klingon ships of the Starfleet Handbook part 2 St... Download:free Website:Printables add to list order this print TagsStar Trek Catan Alternate Races ...