First klicky probe, based on theQuickdraw probe, with an added third magnet for added stability and fixed dock gantry setups. It uses magnets to secure the probe to the mount and also to make the electrical connection. The magnets can be glued to prevent them from coming loose. It support...
但问题也就随之而来:klicky probe 2.0成了一个悬臂结构,它不再能如上一代一般承受很大的压力,否则探头就会超过磁铁的吸力翘起来,准确测量也就无从谈起。通常这个问题可以使用较软的鼠标微动来制作klicky probe来解决。但是,calibrate_z的第二步需要用klicky probe的微动本体去按压z终端。而z终端的微动要克服摩擦力推...
Github地址: V0相关文件地址: 目录 I. Klicky Probe的作用 II. 打印件和组装 III. Klipper配置 Klicky Probe的作用 首先,Klicky Probe对于Voron 0.1不是必备的,因为打印平台尺寸小,误差带来的影响小。 Klicky is also based on Euclid. Thanks go to JosAR again for all the hard work and testing, please support his project and all the hard work he has done and is continuing to do. Testing with ...
github: Tomcat版本:apache-tomcat-9.0.6(免安装版) 下载probe3.0(现在的最新版)的war包 前期准备 修改apache-tomcat-9.0.6/bin/catalina.bat文件,加上 SET JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% ...
简介:基于EUCLID PROBE™️项目修改优化的PCB,用于3D打印机的自动调平。兼容Klicky Probe配置。 已打样,验证已通过,能够正常使用。 开源协议 : GPL 3.0 创建时间:2023-02-05 17:07:19更新时间:2023-10-27 13:39:31 描述 设计图 BOM 附件 成员 ...
Create a subfolder with your name, and place the mods in a subfolder with a descriptive name within that folder, e.g.: /maze/flux_capacitor Folders names MUST NOT contain spaces. If possible, make...
If you want to do this, you will need to adjust your Y endstop (physically) and your `[stepper_y]` `position_max` in `printer.cfg` to make sure the toolhead can reach the probe dock. @@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ It was tested and printed with ABS, might work on other materials, ...
我使用的版本为bugfix-2.1.x,配置项可以参考klackender的说明: 这里我重点说明一下不一样的地方。 取出和放置 B站专栏没法插入代码块,这里截个图说明一下,大家照着修改即可: MAG_MOUNTED_DEPLOY为取出probe时的动作,MAG_MOUNTED_STOW为放置probe时的动作。后面的...
参考voron Switchwire的klicky结构改造。 打印头切刀文件:【超级会员V6】通过百度网盘分享的文件:spa-voro…链接: 提取码:4zmr 展开更多 ...