在材料选择上,KLH Model Three书架音箱同样不遗余力。它采用了「可持续性」MDF材料,既环保又耐用。分音器的设计同样值得称赞,KLH强调极简设计理念,仅使用了13个被动式电子组件,高质量的铁芯电感与Mylar薄膜电容的组合,使得音质更加纯净。总的来说,KLH Model Three书架音箱不仅在音质上表现出色,外观设计也同样引人注目...
这一设计不仅让Henry Kloss登上了美国消费电子名人堂,还让KLH成为音频爱好者心中的经典。2017年,KLH被Kelley Global Brands收购,并在2021年以Model Five音箱的形式重回市场。而Model Three,作为Model Five的小弟,同样继承了经典的声学气垫设计,并保留了复古的外观,让人一眼就能感受到那份经典与韵味。无论是音质还是...
The KLH Model Three is a loudspeaker of contrasts. It has a big personality that makes music fun to listen to, yet it is still disciplined, concise and controlled, all in a small package. It tends to take on the personality of the amplifier driving it, so it has decent levels of neutr...
The KLH Model Three stand-mounted bookshelf speaker is second in line behind the Model Five, continuing the acoustic suspension design legacy of the KLH Model Collection. Audiophiles, do not underestimate this compact system! The new KLH Model Three bookshelf speaker competes with the largest speak...
当年提出的声学气垫音箱设计(Acoustic Suspension),让 Henry Kloss 登上美国消费电子名人堂,而这家公司在 2017 年由 Kelley Global Brands 收购,并在 2021 年重出江湖,推出 Model Five 音箱,而 Model Three 则是 Model Five 的小老弟,两者都采用经典的声学气垫音箱设计,并延续经典音箱外观,一看就觉得造型相当复古...
The Model 5 was not the first offering--it was in fact about the last from the original founders, and it was the least popular, not the most. The KLH model 1 was the first, followed more successfully by the Model 6 and 17, both of which far outsold the KLH Model 5. I've owned...
KLH Model Three Review KLH Model Three Bookshelf Speaker Review ADVANCE COMPARE ENGINE Select Two Audio / Video System for Detailed Comparison COMPARE ADVANCE SEARCH ENGINE Find Your Sound System by Any Desire Specification HOME SPEAKER PORTABLE SPEAKER RECIVER/AMP SOUND BAR TV PROJECTOR ...
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当年提出的声学气垫音箱设计(Acoustic Suspension),让 Henry Kloss 登上美国消费电子名人堂,而这家公司在 2017 年由 Kelley Global Brands 收购,并在 2021 年重出江湖,推出 Model Five 音箱,而 Model Three 则是 Model Five 的小老弟,两者都采用经典的声学气垫音箱设计,并延续经典音箱外观,一看就觉得造型相当复古...
Human peripheral blood leukocyte (PBL) reconstitution of severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice has provided a small animal model system (hu-PBL-SCID) useful for the study of the human immune system and disease pathogenesis. Transfer of xenogeneic PBL from donors other than humans has also ...