Speakers for your Premium Home Audio System Featuring the Model Five Acoustic Suspension Floorstanding Speakers, subwoofers & headphones.
In today's society, if you want to make your home theater look good or just set up your computer with PC speakers, you have to deal with the wires. There are a lot of wires all over the place, which makes it hard to keep things looking good and match them to your own tastes. At...
WEA), I was shocked at how cleanly Jim Cuddy’s singing voice was reproduced by the Model Fives—it sprung from the speakers with an almost uncanny clarity. There was also an openness to the sound that I wasn’t expecting from such large cabinets, but that I...
The KLH model 1 was the first, followed more successfully by the Model 6 and 17, both of which far outsold the KLH Model 5. I've owned and worked with all of the KLH speakers except the electrostatic and Model 12. My favorite was the 5, which was far from perfect but at least ...
Sidebar 3: Measurements I used DRA Labs' MLSSA system and a calibrated DPA 4006 microphone to measure the KLH Model Five's frequency response in the farfield. The manual doesn't specify a vertical listening axis, but with the loudspeaker sitting on its S
Given that both speakers are priced at ... Submitted by Ortofan on September 24, 2021 - 9:32pm ... $2K/pair, which would you be more likely to choose: this new iteration of the KLH Model Five or the equally new (made-in-the-UK by) Falcon LS3/5a Mo(bile)Fi(delity) Edition...