Kled是来自英雄联盟(League of Legends)这个游戏的一个英雄。他是一个有趣的角色,有着独特的设计和背景故事。他的国籍在游戏中并没有明确的说明,但是根据他的外貌和风格,可以看出他可能与一些国家或地区有强烈的联系。首先,从Kled的名字和外貌可以看出,他可能来自类似于欧洲中世纪的国家或地区。他的名字Kled听起来像...
Though precious few of the Noxian soldiers survived, the battle was won. The tribes of Drugne were defeated, and their lands were added to the empire. The bodies of the nobles, and their fine golden armor, were never found. In time, most of the empire’s other legions acquired similar ...
On peut retracer l'origine des légendes de Kled, le héros populaire, jusqu'à l'époque de la fondation de Noxus, voire plus tôt. Il est un véritable symbole pour les simples soldats, ce qui n'est pas sans inquiéter leurs commandants : certains me
Pick ▶️ Sound Effect ▶️ "I find courage unpredictable. It's total insanity you can rely on!" Ban ▶️ "Oh, I knew you was all yeller!" For Skaarl's pool of voicelines not listed alongside the conversations with Kled, see below, in s
11 25% 12 23% 13 21% 14 16% 15 12% 16 13% 47% 47%36% 51% 47%36% 52% 44% 65% 71% 50% Best 2v2 Kled Duos These are the strongest champions to duo with Kled Support Duos 1 64% Marksman Duos 1 69% Fighter Duos 1
The best Kled Synergy champions based on win rate in League of Legends. The highest win rate champions to play with Kled in Patch 14.21.
外部播放此歌曲> Edouard Brenneisen、英雄联盟 - Kled,the Cantankerous Cavalier 专辑:The Music of League of Legends - Season 6 歌手:Edouard Brenneisen、英雄联盟 纯音乐,请欣赏
Bun venit la ''Întreabă-i pe cei de la Riot''! Ai și tu o întrebare? Săptămâna aceasta discutăm despre echilibrări pentru categoria Bronz, nume de cod, Vid și dacă va apărea un skin nou pentru Kled. ...
League of Legends, onlarla destansı hareketler sergileyebileceğin 140 şampiyon içeren takım tabanlı bir oyun. Hemen ücretsiz oyna.
of rated League of Legends rounds that we review each week. Our guide on how to beat 暴怒骑士 as 黑暗之女 resulted from an examination of 719 ranked rounds where both champions fought each other. This champion matchup is fairly rare. 黑暗之女 encounters 暴怒骑士 in only 1.1% of her ...