Conclusion: Urinary tract infection the most commonly seen complication in pregnancy. Both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria were isolated. Klebsiella organism was isolated more commonly than other organisms in UTI in pregnant women.doi:10.5958/2455-6807.2016.00015.5Umar, Nawaz...
Skin infection (cellulitis) Klebsiella pneumoniaein urine IfKlebsiella pneumoniaebacteria get into your urinary tract, they can cause an infection. This is more likely if you’ve had a catheter put in during a hospital stay. UTIs caused byKlebsiella pneumoniacan be life-threatening, especially in ...
Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae ( K. pneumoniae ) urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in the community and in hospital. The aims of this study were to evaluate antibiotic resistance and to describe the factors associated with urinary tract infections caused by K. pneumoniae . Methods: Th...
Third-generation cephalosporins or quinolones provide coverage for community-acquired K pneumoniae infection. In one study, combination therapy with aminoglycosides was shown to be superior; this benefit was not observed in other studies. Macrolides have no useful activity against K pneumoniae. Antibiotic...
Klebsiella pneumoniaeis a major causative pathogen of urinary tract infection, pneumonia, and intra-abdominal infections worldwide.1K. pneumoniaehas also recently emerged as a common cause ofKlebsiella pneumoniaeliver abscess (KPLA), especially in East Asian countries including Taiwan, Korea, and Singapo...
bacteria), adequate coupling between genetic manipulations of bacteria and corresponding electrokinetic analysis allowed for addressing specifically the electrostatic and hydrodynamic features of the bacterial surface constituents of interest and connecting them to their role in adhesion or infection mechanisms. ...
Since carrying K pneumoniae in the gut is a knownrisk factorfor subsequent infection, one route to avoiding this could be to manipulate the microbiome. This could be done by using probiotics containing beneficial species of bacteria to limit K pneumoniae in the gut. Such a solution could be es...
19. Ruppé E, Hem S, Lath S, Gautier V, Ariey F, Sarthou JL, Monchy D, Arlet G: CTX-M beta-lactamases in Escherichia coli from community-acquired urinary tract infections, Cambodia. Emerging Infect Dis 2009, 15(5):741-748. 20. Lin YT, Chen TL, Siu LK, Hsu SF, Fung CP: ...
(Microbiology) a Gram-negative bacteria found in the respiratory, intestinal, and urinogenital tracts of humans and animals, which can cause pneumonia and urinary infections [C20: after EdwinKlebs(1834–913), German bacteriologist] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition ...
She had a background of diet-controlled diabetes, and she had been treated for a presumptive urinary tract infection by her general practitioner 4 days prior to presentation with oral co-amoxiclav.An initial ophthalmic examination of her right eye revealed a severe anterior uveitis and a hypopyon...