In vivo selection of Klebsiella pneumoniae strains with enhanced quinolone resistance during fluoroquinolone treatment of urimary tract infections [J]. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 1997,41: 1609.In vivoselection ofKleb-siella pneumoniaestrains with enhanced quinolone resistance duringfluoroquinolone treatment ...
Klebsiellaare straight Gram-negative rods, 0.3–1 μm in diameter and 0.6–6 μm in length, often surrounded with a capsule (Ørskov, 1984a). The large mucoid colonies often contain cells with large capsules and those ofK. pneumoniaesubsp.ozaenaeandK. pneumoniaesubsp.rhinoscleromatisare often...
Klebsiella pneumoniaeSorotipagemFezesUrinatwenty-four (82.7%) out of 29 patients suffering from hospital acquired urinary infections by klebsiella pneumoniae had the same species in their faeces. biotyping of 24 urinary and 219 fecal strains of k. pneumoniae resulted in 50 different biotypes - an ...
pneumoniae focused on the definition of its biofilm forming potential as well as on the structural characterization of the polysaccharides present in the biofilm matrix and on the evaluation of the activity of selected AMPs in the presence of biofilms. K. pneumoniae is well known to produce 77 ...
pneumoniae strain for enhancement of 1,3-PDO production [23,24]. In this study, we tried to produce 1,3-PDO using non-purified crude glycerol with a K. pneumoniae L17 strain. Moreover, the supplement of an additional electron transfer via ZVI oxidation and the cathode of a ...
During the last several years, many trials have been conducted to evaluateK. pneumoniaevaccines; however, no licensed vaccine is currently available [20]. Thus, urgent efforts are required to combat this public health crisis. A 24 valent capsular polysaccharide (SPC) vaccine in trials was unveiled...