Department of Agriculture, Klamath Falls, OR.Graham, R. T. and Jain, T. B.: Ponderosa pine ecosystems, in: Proceedings of the Symposium on Ponderosa Pine: Issues, Trends, and Management, Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-198, Pa- cific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, US Department ...
The “impurities” of Upper Klamath Lake’s water became the focus of a1905 controversyin Klamath Falls regarding possible “disease laden ice.” One Klamath Falls citizen commented“there is no pure ice in Klamath county … the waters of the lake are not fit to drink…” while another held...
Some participants expressed a loss of self-worth, depression, and feeling a lack of agency to restore river health. However, with dam removal, there is a potential for enabling self-fulfillment and healing in the community through the revitalization of cultural resources and their reciprocal ...