Is there a direct train from Kuala Lumpur Sentral to Penang?There are six trains a day that operate on the route from KL Sentral to Butterworth Penang Sentral with both ETS Gold and ETS Platinum services. The best trains to take are the Platinum services as they all arrive before the last...
If you find all seats on the direct train to Penang Sentral Butterworth are full on the day you want to travel, another option is to take an ETS train to connect to the Northern Commuter Line (Laluan Komuter Utara) services that start from Ipoh in Perak state. Take anETS train from KL...
Taking the fast ETS Train from KL to Penang Sentral (Butterworth) is now the quickest way to travel from Kuala Lumpur to Georgetown on Penang Island (reached by a 15 minute ferry ride) and one of the most popular ways to travel to Pulau Pinang. A growing number of trains depart from Ku...
吉隆坡中央车站 (KL Sentral)到双溪里蒙 (Sungai Nibong)巴士票 | 您可从 查看班次时间和比价表的资讯。今天就上网预订吧!
Train from KL Sentral to Penang Train from KL Sentral to Kedah Train from KL Sentral to KL Airport Area Train from KL Sentral to Negeri Sembilan Train from KL Sentral to Perak Train from KL Sentral to Perlis Train from KL Sentral to Selangor ...
吉隆坡中环车站, 吉隆坡, 马来西亚 to 槟城, 马来西亚 Train Schedule & Fare Train OperatorFirst TrainLast TrainDurationDeparture DayFare start from KTM Train07:20:0022:50:00-Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri SatRM 57.66 全球网站 我们接受 THB SGD
马来西亚KTM 双轨电动列车 ETS :KL Sentral —–> Butterworth 马来西亚铁路公司在早期只有提供城际铁路服务(Intercity )贯穿马来西亚东西海岸、新加坡和泰国曼谷;后来在90年末增添了电动火车(Komuter)为马来西亚首都吉隆坡和近郊的城市拉近了彼此距离,在这10年里增添的电动列车(ETS)加速了西海岸大城...
KL Sentral is easy to reach by Monorail from Kuala Lumpur's city centre. The terminal is nearby KL Sentral (central train station). Unfortunately, this station is quite a walking distance from KL Sentral itself. Currently, they are busy building a new shopping mall between the monorail stop ...
KL Sentral (All ETS trains heading north) To see the latest ETS timetable for northbound services click here > To the south: You can travel as far south as Tampin by Komuter, but if you want to get to Gemas, you will have to take an ETS train from Seremban or Tampin (or Shuttle ...
吉隆坡中央车站 (KL Sentral)到槟城中环广场 (Penang Sentral)巴士票 | 您可从 查看班次时间和比价表的资讯。今天就上网预订吧!