Forgotten and Lost Books of the Bible, 1611 KJV Apocrypha and other lost scriptures Understand the language of parables of Christ by Robert Ferrell, Free MP3's, Free PDF's, and videos
apocryphakjvbibledavinceesdrasholy TheKingJamesVersionoftheHolyBiblewithApocrypha.davince/bibleTableofContentsPrefacetoPDFVersionPrefaceto1611TranslationOldTestamentGenesis...1Exodus...31Leviticus...57Numbers...77Deuteronomy...103Joshua...125Judges...141Ruth...1571Samuel...1592Samuel...1791Kings...1952...
InMatt. 14:9, he points out that modern KJV’s have “for the oath’s sake” but originally in the Tyndale (and even in the 1611 KJV, as I found) it was for the othes sake” (no apostrophe was used back then). The Greek word is plural, so it refers to more than one oath, ...
The earliest version of the King James Version included translations of the so-called Apocrypha, which were later deauthorized. So it goes. The first revision of the KJV to be authorized for the Anglican communion was the HBRV. The ARTFL Project serves a search tool for the KJV. KKD ...
With Color-Coded Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Numbers KJV 1611/1769—KJV 1611—KJV 1769—KJV 1850—KJV Apocrypha Online Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Lexicons and Bible Dictionaries Search the King James Versions by Section: Law Genesis—Deuteronomy ...