kizuna no allele subtitled in the virtual world, you can be anyone. and for miracle, her dream is to be a famous virtual artist! miracle attends aden academy, where she learns new talents to prepare her for her big debut. although she’s a bit of a klutz, she’s determined to follow...
On 2 April 2023, the TV anime Kizuna no Allele debuted, taking place in an alternate future where after Ai's mysterious disappearance, a group of students at the virtual artist academy AIDEN become friends and make a performing unit called PathTLive. Kizuna AI makes various appearances in the...
upd8 (2018) Kizuna no Allele (2023) Kizuna no Allele 2nd Season (2023) Quotes | AddImagesCommentSimilar Characters Tagged bow Also from A.I.Channel2016 Trivia2016 was a great year for anime. We have all kinds of interesting and fascinating trivia from this year to share with you. The...