REAL-TIME ACTION Engage in synchronous combat to battle for the number one spot on the leaderboard. MONTHLY IN-GAME EVENTS Compete in monthly events to earn limited-edition prizes.Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Cookies © 2025 KIXEYE Inc. All rights reserved....
Build an island fortress, customize deadly ships, and rule the high seas in this expansive real-time strategy game. Join Now I have read and agree to the KIXEYETerms of Service I have read and agree to the KIXEYEPrivacy Policy Join Now ...
简介:Kixeye成立于2007年,是一家专注于在线有限研发领域的服务商,公司前身为 Casual Collective,2011年更名为Kixeye,目前的四个工作室共拥有250名员工。该公司专注于开发Facebook平台的游戏,其团队所研发的产品有《后院怪兽》,《战争指挥官》等,现在它正在开发移动游戏,建立一个内部的机器学习平台。他们在机器学习方面...
本吧热帖: 1-kixeye公司介绍 2-还有玩War Commander(战争指挥官)的吗 3-12345 4-有大佬能帮我注册一个账号不?? 5-大家有在玩vega吗? 6-这游戏现在还能玩不,之前天。行。浏览器fq万现在好像玩不了 7-谁能帮我注册一个账号啊 8-warcommander手机怎么登陆kixeye账号 9-现
KIXEYE - A leading gaming developer making games for gamers by gamers. Hit titles include Battle Pirates, War Commander and VEGA Conflict.
本吧热帖: 1-12345 2-还有玩War Commander(战争指挥官)的吗 3-有大佬能帮我注册一个账号不?? 4-这游戏现在还能玩不,之前天。行。浏览器fq万现在好像玩不了 5-谁能帮我注册一个账号啊 6-kixeye旗下游戏注册登陆教程 7-warcommander手机怎么登陆kixeye账号 8-现在还有人
商标名称 KIXEYE 国际分类 第09类-科学仪器 商标状态 领土延伸 申请/注册号 G1129744 申请日期 2012-10-13 申请人名称(中文) KIXEYE,LLC 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 400-31 Bastion Square Victoria BC V0E 2X1 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 - 注册公告期号 - 注册公告...
KIXEYE Ban and Mute Appeal Process Account War Commander Our Games Don't Cheat! Account Battle Pirates Our Games Community Guidelines Account How do I reset my KIXEYE Password? Account Browse articles 💰 Billing Can I use Gift Card to buy gold?
Founded in 2009, KIXEYE creates, develops, and publishes massively multiplayer online real-time strategy games (MMORTS) for computers, tablets, and smartphones. Our headquarters are in Victoria, BC with additional employees spread across Canada and the United States. An innovator in the free-to-...