Command line Kiwix tools: kiwix-serve, kiwix-manage, ... - kiwix-tools/docker/server/ at main · kiwix/kiwix-tools
docker server pictures Dockerfile docker-compose.yml.example Dockerfile docs src .clang-format .readthedocs.yaml AUTHORS COPYING Changelog meson_options.txtBreadcrumbs kiwix-tools /docker / server/ Directory actions More optionsLatest...
官方server docker 文档:kiwix-tools/docker/server at main · kiwix/
Paste the following code to deploy the Kiwix server: sudo docker run -v /path_to_ZIM_file:/data -p 8080:8080 file.zim Be sure to replace the path_to_ZIM_file variable with the path from step 3. Likewise, overwrite file.zim with the name of the database...
可以直接用官方提供的docker镜像创建容器,下载zim数据文件可以直接使用。 docker hub 镜像: 官方server docker 文档:… 阅读全文 赞同添加评论 分享 收藏喜欢 有没有办法把维基百科的内容离线转到移动设备上,比如手机,kindle? 藿香 ...
$pwd#-> ./dockerized-kiwix-server$ docker build -t kiwix-serve. Step 4: Run the container This starts the container and the Kiwix server, and makes it available on your machine athttp://localhost:8080. $ docker run -d --name kiwix-serve -v$(pwd)/zims:/zims:ro -p 8080:8080 kiwix...
Keep http-only in Dockerfile. Was also unhappy when using the mirrors so it's using on purpose. See also If you are interested by a Kiwix server only container image, here it is.
可以直接用官方提供的docker镜像创建容器,下载zim数据文件可以直接使用。 docker hub 镜像: 官方server docker 文档:… 阅读全文 赞同添加评论 分享 收藏喜欢 应用日报|特斯拉车载娱乐服务修改为订阅制,来看看离线浏览器 Kiwix 柳毅 ...
Command line Kiwix tools: kiwix-serve, kiwix-manage, ... - kiwix-tools/docker/Dockerfile at main · kiwix/kiwix-tools
Keep http-only in Dockerfile. Was also unhappy when using the mirrors so it's using on purpose. See also If you are interested by a Kiwix server only container image, here it is.