打开上面的网址,找到自己喜欢的内容,点击名称下方的「Download」即可得到下载地址。 下载地址有四种类型,我一般用「Magnet link」,复制到迅雷就行。 你也可以试试其他几个速度怎么样。 导入数据库 下载完毕后,你可以把这个zim文件放在任意位置,或者建立一个专门的文件夹保存起来。 导入数据就so ...
下载网页: 资料库: 参考链接:[1][2][3][4]https://recoverit.w...
别着急,Kiwix 默认情况下在安装后并不携带任何内容。你可以在 Kiwix 的线上图书馆 来获取大量的优质内容。无论是从小学到大学,各类学科、各种专业的课本;还是维修各种数码设备与汽车的 iFixit 修理手册,这些由用户们齐心协力为 Kiwix 撰写出的包罗万象的内容,几乎能涵盖到对于知识的所有...
/Users/<登录>/Library/Application Support/Kiwix/Profiles/<PROFILE>/data/ 在GNU/Linux 上: /home/<登录>/<资料>/data/ 在Windows 上: C:Documents and Settings<LOGIN>Application Datawww.kiwix.orgKiwixProfiles<PROFILE>data应用信息 厂商:互联网 包名: org.kiwix.kiwixmobile MD5:...
Kiwix 是一款开源的离线网页浏览器,它源自维基百科离线化的项目并专为维基百科的版式优化,但也可适用于所有 HTML 网页文件。它的目标是将维基百科与维基教科书整体打包,为学校、图书馆和难民营提供离线阅读内容,从而降低成本并减少阅读者获取资料的时间。Kiwix 默认不携带任何内容,用户可访问 library....
To use this app, download your choice of free content in-app from the Download Library on the Configuration page. For what's new, see the changes listed in theCHANGELOG. Builds are provided for 32bit and 64bit editions of Windows and Linux (tested on Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and OpenSUSE)...
Head to the official Kiwix library. Click on the Download button under your preferred databank and choose Direct inside the menu. Once the ZIM file has finished downloading, use the File Manager to note the path of the folder housing it. Launch the terminal app. Paste the following co...
The CoreKiwix.xcframework will contain libkiwix library for macOS archs and for iOS. It is built off kiwix-build repo. Make sure to preinstall kiwix-build prerequisites (ninja and meson). If you use homebrew, run the following brew install ninja meson Make sure Xcode command tools are ...
- Scroll performance in Library - Side menu performance improvements Kiwix v3.7.1(Old Version) ► Updated: January 19, 2025 ► What's New in Version 3.7.1: ## New: - Support Kiwix with Apple Pay donation ## Updated: - Localisations ...
- Scroll performance in Library - Side menu performance improvements Kiwix Version History •Kiwix 3.7.1(Updated: January 19, 2025) •Kiwix 3.6.0(Updated: December 1, 2024) •Kiwix 3.5.2(Updated: September 8, 2024) •Kiwix 3.5.1(Updated: August 30, 2024) ...