For the Windows Portable build, unzip the contents of theWikivoyage-by-Kiwix-3.5.6-E.ziparchive to any folder, or to a flash drive / thumb drive, and double click onStart Wikivoyage by KiwixorStart Wikivoyage by Kiwix.bat, or open thekiwix-js-pwa-win32-ia32folder and double click onWik...
Release: Microsoft Store: (published) Or, in Windows 10/11, open Command/PowerShell and type: winget install kiwix.wikimed (published) Activity...
此扩展非常方便,始终在浏览器中单击。如果您想要包装的Kiwix JS版本,我们会根据此代码库为Linux和Windows制作单独的电子应用,并具有一些其他功能。它独立于浏览器运行 - 在上获取更多信息。也有包装版本,其中包括最新的Wikimed(Medical Wikipedia)和Wikivoyage。
Kiwix JS Offline Browser implemented as a Progressive Web App (PWA), and packaged as Electron, NWJS and UWP apps for Windows and Linux. - Add missing resetApp.js to build and SW · kiwix/kiwix-js-pwa@fac129c
kiwix-js-pwaPublic Kiwix JS Offline Browser implemented as a Progressive Web App (PWA), and packaged as Electron, NWJS and UWP apps for Windows and Linux. JavaScript202GPL-3.037792UpdatedFeb 22, 2025 operationsPublic Kiwix Kubernetes Cluster ...
Go to, open a Wikipedia ZIM (can be a small one, like Ray Charles), and see how it works. I think the code there is a bit clunky, not something I'm proud of, but it gives an idea of what could be done. The code is split betweenuiUtil.js(here) andapp...
Kiwix JS Offline Browser implemented as a Progressive Web App (PWA), and packaged as Electron, NWJS and UWP apps for Windows and Linux. - Bump changelogs · kiwix/kiwix-js-pwa@7259b1e
Now that Safari supports Manifest v3 and background Service Workers, it should be pretty simple to support and publish a Safari-based extension, and makes a lot of sense sense we already support Safari when using the app as a PWA (both and The...
Kiwix JS Offline Browser implemented as a Progressive Web App (PWA), and packaged as Electron, NWJS and UWP apps for Windows and Linux. electronnwjspwaofflinewikipediauwpwikimediawindows-10uwp-appselectron-appwindows-mobilekiwixzimpwa-appsnwjs-applicationwindows-11kiwix-jskiwix-offline-wikipedia ...
This repository is for development of the Kiwix JS app for PWA, Electron, NWJS and Windows 10/11 Universal Windows Platform (UWP). The latest code is usually on the master branch, but this is used for active development and may be several commits ahead of releases. Installable and portable...