Thanks@the6p4cfor helping me test :) — xssfox (@xssfox)July 15, 2021 Creator John Seamons has alreadyreleased a patch to disable the admin access, and as of the time of this article 540 out of 600 public KiwiSDRs have already been auto-updated. Owners of ...
Thanks@the6p4cfor helping me test :) — xssfox (@xssfox)July 15, 2021 Creator John Seamons has alreadyreleased a patch to disable the admin access, and as of the time of this article 540 out of 600 public KiwiSDRs have already been auto-updated. Owners of ... 其中一个网站(的截图,里面包含了不少sdr.hu列表内的接收机。 如果您更喜欢其它KiwiSDR门户网站,请在评论区留下链接。我会尽可能更新本文,添加新的链接。 更新:非常感谢Cristiano Amaral为我们...
Import the Skywave Linux public key from or Disclaimer Skywave Linux is provided as-is. No guarantees or warranties are applicable to Skywave Linux. Skywave Linux is an independent distribution derived from Debian GNU/Linux, but not endorsed by...
Source: Logged Tampa, FL USA | US Map Grid EL88My Public Receivers: KiwiSDR 2 | Web-888 SDRAirspy HF+ Discovery | 2x Msi2500 Msi001 | 2x RTL-...
Great, you're all set. All you have to do is create a sub-domain, say and point it to your public IP. Now your Kiwi will be reachable at assuming you're using the default port 8073.
and there is an official KiwiSDR directory,a map version, and an SNR score directory Unfortunately the one major drawback is that these directories do not list public RTL-SDRs or other SDRs running OpenWebRX as only did that...
Fortunately, over on blog, Thomas has notedthat there are still other KiwiSDR directories available such as, SDR.HU Requires a Login Now Tweet ...
Just recently all KiwiSDRs were pushed with a beta update (changelog) that enables easy TDoA direction finding to be performed with them. Since many KiwiSDRs are public, this means that right now anyone can browse to a KiwiSDR web interface and start a direction finding computation. You don'...
If a static IP address is not possible from your ISP (or costs extra), then you can sign up to the free hostname service. This service works by giving you a public web address that always resolves to your dynamic public IP address. Software running on the KiwiSDR ensures that...