KiwiCo delivers kids' subscription boxes and STEM, STEAM, science and art kits that provide serious fun and hands-on learning. Find subscription boxes for kids of all ages today!
KiwiCo Studio Art & Design Shopindividual crates for ages12+ Shop all ages 12+→ Made for makers,by makers Expertly designed Unique, high quality projects to look forward to each month. Real-life skills Discover concepts used by engineers, artists, scientists, and more. ...
Inspire students to work together, solve real problems, and create something amazing with KiwiCo's classroom science & art kits.
Inspire students to work together, solve real problems, and create something amazing with KiwiCo's classroom science & art kits.
- KiwiCo Product Designer By the numbers 7 Kid testers lots! Baking adventures inspired by our projects 10 Bowls prototyped Your cart is empty Join a club→ Check out→ Before you start shopping We use cookies to customize and improve the content shown to you, making sure you get the best...
The solution was inspired by another classic Christmas decoration: tinsel!” - KiwiCo Product Designer By the numbers 6+ Number of axle designs tested 5 Hours spent staring into the “flames” 17 Number of testers that said, “Whoooa!”...
我是从2020年8月开始订阅kiwico 盒子的,我和女儿露西收到的第一个盒子就是这个彩虹盒子,里面有三个项目:彩虹枕头、帆布包染色和彩虹滤镜画。 我很喜欢这个盒子主要原因是: 1、这个主题非常应季,8月的阳光充足,我们经常在户外玩水,有...
Research and Markets预测,2019~2025年,全球玩具市场以超4%的年复合增长率持续增长,全球玩具市场规模预计超300亿美元。 KiwiCo是知名益智儿童玩具品牌,2011年成立至今,在海外备受关注,年销售额超5000万美元。 Kiwico共有6个产品线,为0~16岁孩子提供可以亲身实践的科学和艺术类实践项目,称之为STEAM手工项目盒子。
🚗收到了第三期kiwico,一定是专门为小车迷们设计的吧!主题Little driver,娃已经丢弃🐛一整天了,迷上了Stop➡️Go. 🚥这期的设计主要是让小盆友了解交通规则,学会执行指令。里面有1⃣️一个模拟汽车驾驶的操作盘,纸板+木质2⃣️一个diy地图,厚纸板材质一辆小汽车和贴纸3⃣️同主题绘本4⃣️...
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