KiwiCo delivers kids' subscription boxes and STEM, STEAM, science and art kits that provide serious fun and hands-on learning. Find subscription boxes for kids of all ages today!
KiwiCo LabsLearn more→ 3-pack Quick View Lots of Bots! Robotics Bundle (3-Pack) $83.95($97.85 value) Most loved Quick View Science of Cooking: Ice Cream 4.8 $34.95 3-pack Quick View Science of Cooking Bundle (3-Pack) 5.0 $89.95($104.85 value) Quick View Marble Roller Coaster 5.0...
Inspire students to work together, solve real problems, and create something amazing with KiwiCo's classroom science & art kits.
Inspire students to work together, solve real problems, and create something amazing with KiwiCo's classroom science & art kits.
- KiwiCo Product Designer By the numbers 7 Kid testers lots! Baking adventures inspired by our projects 10 Bowls prototyped Your cart is empty Join a club→ Check out→ Before you start shopping We use cookies to customize and improve the content shown to you, making sure you get the best...
我是从2020年8月开始订阅kiwico 盒子的,我和女儿露西收到的第一个盒子就是这个彩虹盒子,里面有三个项目:彩虹枕头、帆布包染色和彩虹滤镜画。 我很喜欢这个盒子主要原因是: 1、这个主题非常应季,8月的阳光充足,我们经常在户外玩水,有...
The solution was inspired by another classic Christmas decoration: tinsel!” - KiwiCo Product Designer By the numbers 6+ Number of axle designs tested 5 Hours spent staring into the “flames” 17 Number of testers that said, “Whoooa!”...
Inspire students to work together, solve real problems, and create something amazing with KiwiCo's classroom science & art kits.
🚗收到了第三期kiwico,一定是专门为小车迷们设计的吧!主题Little driver,娃已经丢弃🐛一整天了,迷上了Stop➡️Go. 🚥这期的设计主要是让小盆友了解交通规则,学会执行指令。里面有1⃣️一个模拟汽车驾驶的操作盘,纸板+木质2⃣️一个diy地图,厚纸板材质一辆小汽车和贴纸3⃣️同主题绘本4⃣️...
🌍品牌:Kiwico 是一家提供STEAM玩具订阅服务的公司,每月根据孩子的年龄提供适合的新玩具。STEAM代表科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、艺术(Art)。📚系列:Kiwi Crate 适合5-8岁儿童 📢主题:吸尘器 ⏱️时间:45分钟 💵价格:19.95美元/月🎉好玩度:♥️♥️♥️♥️ ...